Agency-Specific Civil Rights Information
Federal Agency Civil Rights Obligations- Over 28 Federal agencies have statutes, regulations, and/or guidance that impose civil rights obligations upon recipients of Federal financial assistance from these agencies. Select an agency below to view its Title VI and Title IX regulations as well as program statutes, regulations, and/or guidance. Also included below is a list of the civil rights offices for federal agencies.
Disability and Age Discrimination- Coordination of grant-related nondiscrimination provisions prohibiting discrimination on the basis of disability has been assigned to the Disability Rights Section, Civil Rights Division, Department of Justice. Coordination of the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, which prohibits age discrimination by recipients of Federal financial assistance is the responsibility of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Consequently, the best information on these subjects can be obtained from those entities.
Interagency Agreements- This page contains an archive of Title VI Interagency Delegation Agreements and Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) available to the public. These agreements vary in scope and purpose, ranging from establishing agreement on an intended course of action to providing for the assignment of an agency's Title VI compliance functions and enforcement responsibilities to other agencies in the federal government. Interagency agreements are useful tools to facilitate greater coordination among agencies with shared recipients or specific areas of expertise, and can lead to more consistent and effective enforcement of Title VI.
Page Contents
Federal Agency Title VI Regulations
Federal Agency Title IX Regulations
Additional Federal Statutes, Regulations, and Guidance that Impose Civil Rights Obligations upon Recipients
Title VI Delegation Agreements**
Title VI and IX Memoranda of Understanding**
Federal Agency Title VI Regulations [TOP]
** Even though the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare no longer exists, the designation agreements and memoranda of understanding are still in place, as the new agencies have adopted the delegation agreements.
Dept. of Education, Announcement of Title VI Lead Agency Status for Elementary and Secondary Schools and Institutions of Higher Education, 45 FR 54793
HHS, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Lead Status for Compliance Relating to Hospitals and Other Health Facilities, Federal Register, 45 FR 54869