FOIA Library
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In compliance with the 1996 Electronic Freedom of Information Act, the Civil Rights Division FOIA Branch has selected these records as containing subject matter that has become or is likely to become the subject of periodic or repeated FOIA requests.
Civil Rights Division: FOIA
Kilian B. Kagle
Tel: 202) 514-4210
FOIA/PA Branch
Civil Rights Division
4CON, Room 6.153
950 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530
April Freeman, FOIA Public Liaison
(202) 514-4210
Component Information From DOJ Reference Guide
The Civil Rights Division (CRT) conducts the litigation of cases to secure equal opportunity in the areas of employment, education, housing, voting, public accommodations and facilities, and Federally assisted programs. CRT is also responsible for enforcing the antidiscrimination provision of the Immigration Reform and Control Act through the investigation and prosecution of charges filed on the basis of citizenship status or national origin. It also prosecutes criminal violations of Federal civil rights statutes. The Division maintains records of all its legal cases, correspondence, and memoranda, as well as records on certain individuals protected under civil rights statutes. Records maintained include those relating to the administration of the office.
In an effort to provide significant documents to the public as they become available, the Civil Rights Division Sections post records directly to each Section's website. The links are as follows:
FOIA Guidance
Throughout the entire history of the CRT FOI/PA Branch, CRT has never used an exclusion in responding to a FOIA request, however, in acknowledgement that the Freedom of Information Act contains the provision, CRT provides notice that the statutory exclusions described in the Office of Information Policy's website could potentially be applied to law enforcement information contained within CRT records.
Special information required to make a FOIA request: None
Publicly available information for which a FOIA request is not required: Annual reports; general publications and related Civil Rights Division work. Publicly disseminated CRT publications can be found on this site under Publications.
“Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Civil Rights Division has adjusted its normal operations to balance the need of completing its mission as effectively and efficiently as possible while also adhering to the recommended social distancing for the safety of our staff. As a result, you may experience a delay in receiving an initial acknowledgment as well as a substantive response to your FOIA request. We will be able to acknowledge requests made electronically more quickly than by mail. You may reach out to our FOIA Public Liaison if you have any questions about your request. We apologize for this inconvenience and appreciate your understanding and patience.”