Consent Decree Monitor Reports

On May 15, 2010, we opened an investigation of the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) pursuant to the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Following a comprehensive investigation, on March 17, 2011, we announced our findings. We found that the NOPD has engaged in patterns of misconduct that violate the Constitution and federal law, including a pattern or practice of excessive force, and of illegal stops, searches, and arrests. We found also a pattern or practice of gender discrimination in the Department's under-enforcement and under-investigation of violence against women. We further found strong indications of discriminatory policing based on racial, ethnic, and LGBT bias, as well as a failure to provide critical police services to language minority communities. On July 24, 2012, we reached a settlement resolving our investigation and asked the Court to make our settlement an order enforceable by the Court. On January 11, 2013, the Court approved the agreement.
The documents on this page provide more information about the investigation, the Justice Department's findings, settlement, and next steps.
Consent Decree Monitor Selection
- Order Appointing Sheppard Mullin as Consent Decree Monitor
- Memorandum Recommending Sheppard Mullin as Consent Decree Monitor
- Fifth Circuit Order Lifting Temporary Stay and Denying City's Motion for Stay Pending Appeal
- Order Cancelling May 31, 2013 Meeting and Temporarily Staying Case
- Notice of Appeal and Cancellation of May 31, 2013 Meeting
On September 6, 2012, the United States and the City of New Orleans issued a request for proposals to serve as the consent decree court monitor for NOPD. In response, the United States and the city of New Orleans received 12 proposals. The United States and the City of New Orleans formed an evaluation committee to evaluate those proposals and select a consent decree court monitor. The committee met publicly on March 7, 2013 and selected five candidates to be interviewed for the position. Those five candidates were:
- Elite Performance Assessment Consultants, Inc.
- The Bromwich Group
- OIR Group
- Sheppard Mullin
- Hillard Heintze
Entered Consent Decree (2013) and Errata Sheet
Order Entering Consent Decree (2013)
Opinion and Order Entering Consent Decree (2013)
Request for Proposals to serve as Consent Decree Monitor of the New Orleans Police Department (2012)
Order regarding Request for Proposal (2012)
Joint Motion for Entry of the Consent Decree (2012)
Findings Letter to Mayor Mitchell J. Landrieu from Assistant Attorney General Thomas E. Perez (2011) (PDF)
Findings Executive Summary (2011) (PDF)
Findings Report, including the Executive Summary (2011) (PDF)