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Historical Documents FOIA Electronic Reading Room

During the 1960's, the Civil Rights Division conducted investigations into reports of violence in the South resulting from the desegregation of public accommodations, such as the bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama. This material is a collection of official Civil Rights Division investigation documents, and the public's reponse to the violence.
Official/Citizen Correspondence on bombings in Florida, Georgia and Mississippi(reel 104)
Public accommodations and demonstrations Greenwood, Mississippi (reel 058)
Public accommodations and demonstrations Albany Georgia (reel 111)
part1; part2; part3; part4;
part5; part6; part7; part8;

Bobby Frank Cherry
Robert Chambliss
Thomas Blanton
Arthur Shores
Addie Mae Collins
Denise McNair
Carole Robertson
Cynthia Wesley
Bull Connor
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
Ralph Abernathy
Aaron Henry

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Updated August 6, 2015