Real Estate Market and Sales Study of the Rio Grande Valley
The Real Estate Market and Sales Study of the Rio Grande Valley, July 31, 2020 was undertaken by outside, independent contractors to gather sales data and analyze the trends and variables influencing the real estate market in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, specifically in Cameron, Hidalgo, and Starr Counties along the Rio Grande. It is intended to provide (1) a common background to inform appraisers about the unique border region of the Rio Grande Valley; (2) guidance that will enable appraisers to draw educated and well-informed conclusions concerning valuation issues in this region; and (3) a comprehensive dataset of sales collected and analyzed. Anyone conducting an appraisal in the Rio Grande Valley is invited to utilize this study to its full extent, taking into account the requirements of USPAP and UASFLA for relying on the reports of others. This study does not confer competency, geographic or otherwise, and is not a substitute for a property-specific appraisal.
The Data Book contains the sales data gathered and utilized in the preparation of Real Estate Market and Sales Study of the Rio Grande Valley, July 31, 2020.