
The Office of the Director is responsible for ensuring the administrative and operational effectiveness of INTERPOL Washington and its divisions. As authorized by statute, the responsibilities of the Director also include, but are not limited to, acting on behalf of the Attorney General as the official representative to INTERPOL, facilitating international law enforcement cooperation with all INTERPOL member countries; transmitting criminal justice, humanitarian, or other law enforcement-related information between National Central Bureaus of INTERPOL member countries, and law enforcement agencies within the United States and abroad, and coordinating and integrating information involving investigations of an international nature. The Office of the Director also represents INTERPOL Washington at international meetings and forums, and ensures that U.S. law enforcement positions and objectives are accurately represented within INTERPOL’s governing bodies, to include the organization’s Executive Secretariat and General Assembly.
Office of the General Counsel
The Office of General Counsel (OGC) provides legal expertise and advice to INTERPOL Washington and its partner law enforcement agencies on case-related and other matters. OGC is also responsible for overseeing the agency's Red (fugitive) Notice program and all requests and issues involving the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the Privacy Act. OGC also develops and reviews all agreements and Memoranda of Understanding between INTERPOL Washington and its partnering agencies.
Office of the Executive Officer
The Executive Officer oversees INTERPOL Washington’s administrative functions and personnel. With supervisory assistance from the Administrative Officer, the Executive Officer provides guidance on personnel and fiscal activities that include recruiting and hiring, budget formulation and execution, accounting, contracting, and related matters. Additional duties include oversight of audit and internal compliance activities; records management, administrative support services and operations, and liaison activities with the press, the public, and the Congress.
Office of the Chief Information Officer
The Chief Information Officer (CIO) is responsible for managing INTERPOL Washington's Information Technology programs and initiatives. The Office of the Chief Information Officer advances the mission of INTERPOL Washington by developing information technology services and applications. The CIO is responsible for providing technical support to INTERPOL outreach initiatives and ensuring that INTERPOL Washington leverages cost-effective, leading edge technology solutions that support the organization’s mission.
Alien/Fugitive Division
The Alien/Fugitive Division provides investigative support in locating, apprehending, and returning fugitives wanted by the U.S. that are in foreign countries, and fugitives wanted by foreign countries that are in the U.S. The Division also provides investigative assistance in alien and immigration matters that include administrative removal, immigration law violations within the United States, border protection, and citizenship adjudication.
Counterterrorism Division
The Counterterrorism Division pursues investigative leads pertaining to planned terrorist activities in the U.S., including threats against transportation industries, vehicles and facilities, as well as threats to use of any of these as weapons. The Division also pursues the international arrest of terrorists, and cases involving terrorism, piracy, chemical/biological/radiological/explosive (CBRNE) weapons, and counter-proliferation.
Drug Division
The Drug Division provides assistance to domestic and foreign law enforcement agencies responsible for countering the illicit production, trafficking, and abuse of illicit of drugs, their precursor chemicals. The Division's responsibilities include the pursuit of fugitives who are the subjects of drug-related INTERPOL Red Notices, particularly, Consolidated Priority Organization Targets. The Division also responds to inquiries and requests for investigative assistance by domestic and foreign law enforcement authorities regarding drug trafficking trends, organizations, transportation, trade routes, production, and distribution.
Economic Crimes Division
The Economic Crimes Division supports the investigation of cases involving transnational organized crime, money laundering, cybercrime, intellectual property rights, fraud, embezzlement, stolen art and cultural antiquities, counterfeiting, identity theft, environmental crimes, wildlife crimes, and vehicle theft.
Human Trafficking and Child Protection Division
The Human Trafficking and Child Protection Division supports domestic law enforcement agencies by providing investigative assistance and serving as a dedicated channel for exchanging intelligence with INTERPOL member countries to counter the transnational, mobile, and clandestine nature of the criminal organizations and violators who commit human trafficking offenses. The Division also works with domestic and foreign law enforcement authorities, as well as non-government organizations, to locate missing and abducted children, combat child sex tourism, track the international movements of registered and non-compliant sex offenders, and end the production and distribution of child sexual exploitation images worldwide.
INTERPOL Operations and Command Center
The INTERPOL Operations and Command Center serves as the primary communications interface with domestic and foreign law enforcement partners. Analysts in the INTERPOL Operations and Command Center perform mission-critical functions that include communications support, foreign language translation, and criminal record searches. Analysts also support the casework performed in the operational divisions, and process urgent humanitarian requests involving suicide prevention, death notification, and health and welfare checks on U.S. citizens overseas or foreign nationals in the U.S..
State and Local Police Liaison Division
The State and Local Liaison Division supports the exchange of information between foreign law enforcement authorities and state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies in the United States. The Division conducts outreach to domestic law enforcement agencies through the State and Local Police Liaison Program, which comprises a network of INTERPOL liaison offices in each state, U.S. territory, and a growing number of major cities. The Division also conducts training for U.S. state, local and tribal officials on international investigative techniques and provides information regarding new developments in international law enforcement.
Violent Crimes Division
The Violent Crimes Division supports the transnational investigation of ordinary-law crimes involving murder, robbery, sexual assault, firearms and explosives trafficking, kidnapping, and gangs.