Pay-Setting Examples Involving Special Salary Rates
Human Resources Order DOJ 1200.1
The following examples demonstrate the application of pay-setting rules that involve promotion to and from special salary rate positions. Examples 1 and 2 apply the policies in Chapter 2-11, GS Promotions--Special Salary Rate Positions, DOJ Order 1200.1. Example 3 covers a situation that is not covered by DOJ Order 1200.1.
All examples use 2003 annual rates of pay.
Example 1
Promotion from a LEO Special Salary Rate Position to a Position Covered by a LEO Special Salary Rate and a Special Salary Rate under 5 U.S.C. 5305
Facts: A GS-7 step 6 Nurse at FCI Manchester, KY receives a LEO special salary rate (Table 491) and the 8.64 percent Rest of U.S. (RUS) locality adjustment. The employee does not receive a special salary rate under 5 U.S.C. 5305.
The employee's total pay is $41,011 (OPM salary table 2003-RUS (LEO), and the highest applicable scheduled rate of basic pay is $37,749 (2003 Special Salary Rate Table No. 491).
The employee is being promoted to a GS-9 Nurse position that is covered by OPM Special Salary Rate Table No. 440 in Lexington, KY, a LEO special salary rate, and the 8.64 percent RUS locality payment.
Follow these steps to set pay:
Step a: Identify the employee's highest applicable scheduled rate of basic pay:
Step b: Compute the dollar amount of two step increases at the employee's current grade:
2 x $968 = $1,936
Step c: Add the results of Step a. and Step b.:
$37,749 + 1,936 = $39,685
Step d: On the applicable schedule for the target grade (the lower applicable pay schedule for GS-7, i.e., the LEO special salary rate), identify the lowest GS-9 salary that exceeds $39,685:
$40,255 = GS-9, step 4 on the LEO special salary rate table
Step e: The employee is entitled to the highest applicable scheduled rate of basic pay for GS-9, step 4:
$42,623 is the GS-9, step 4 rate on Special Salary Rate Table No. 440 in Lexington, KY. This rate will be used to calculate any future promotions or retained pay. (By comparison, the GS-9, step 4 rate on the LEO special salary rate table is only $40,255).
Step f: The employee is also entitled to have his/her total pay, (i.e. basic pay plus locality pay) computed for GS-9, step 4 on the applicable schedule that results in the highest total pay.
The employee's highest total pay entitlement is based on the LEO special salary rate table. The employee's total pay is $43,733; a GS-9, step 4 LEO special salary rate of $40,255, plus the 8.64 locality payment (OPM Salary Table 2003-RUS (LEO)). By comparison, the employee's GS-9, step 4 total pay on Special Salary Rate Table No. 440 would be only $42,623.
Example 2
Promotion from a Special Salary Rate Position under 5 U.S.C. 5305 to a Position Covered by a LEO Special Salary Rate and a Special Salary Rate under 5 U.S.C. 5305
Facts. A GS-7, step 3 non-LEO employee receives a special salary rate under 5 U.S.C. 5305 (OPM Special Salary Rate Table No. 164 in Washington, DC.), but does not receive a LEO special salary rate, locality pay, or a special pay adjustment for LEOs. The employee's highest applicable scheduled rate of basic pay is $34,845 (OPM Special Salary Rate Table No. 164).
The employee is being promoted to a GS-9 position that is covered by a LEO special salary rate, and the higher OPM Special Salary Rate Table No. 162 in Philadelphia, PA.
Follow these steps to set pay:
Step a: Identify the employee's highest applicable scheduled rate of basic pay:
Step b: Compute the dollar amount of two step increases at the employee's current grade:
2 X $968 = $1,936
Step c: Add the results of Step a. and Step b.:
$34,845 + 1,936 = $36,781
Step d: On the applicable schedule for the target grade (the lower applicable pay schedule for GS-9--i.e., the LEO special salary rate table), identify the lowest GS-9 salary that exceeds $36,781:
$37,887 = GS-9, step 2 on the LEO special salary rate table
Step e: The employee is entitled to the highest applicable scheduled rate of basic pay for GS-9, step 2:
$40,255 is the GS-9, step 2 rate on OPM-approved special salary rate table number 162 in Philadelphia, PA. This rate will be used to calculate any future promotions or retained pay. (By comparison, the GS-9 step 2 rate on the LEO special salary rate table is only $37,887.)
Step f: The employee is also entitled to have his or her total pay (i.e., basic pay plus locality pay) computed for GS-9, step 2 on the applicable schedule that results in the highest total pay.
The employee's highest total pay entitlement is based on the LEO special salary rate. The employee´s total pay is $42,475--a GS-9, step 2 LEO special salary rate of $37,887, plus locality pay for Philadelphia, PA of $4,588 (OPM Salary Table 2003-PHL (LEO). (By comparison, the employee's GS-9, step 2 total pay on OPM-approved special salary rate table number 162 would have been only $40,255.)
Example 3
Promotion from a Non-LEO Special Salary Rate Position to a Non-LEO, Non-Special Salary Rate Position
Facts. A GS-7, step 3 non-LEO employee receives a special salary rate under 5 U.S.C. 5305--the clerical special salary rate for the Washington, DC area (OPM Special Salary Rate Table 29)--of $31,941. However, the employee's total pay is computed under the locality pay system, which produces a higher total pay of $34,529 (OPM Salary Table 2003-DCB).
The employee is being promoted to a non-LEO, non-special salary rate GS-8 position in Washington, DC.
Follow these steps to set pay:
Step a: Identify the employee's highest applicable scheduled rate of basic pay:
Step b: Compute the dollar amount of two step increases at the employee's current grade:
2 X $968 = $1,936
Step c: Add the results of Step a. and Step b.:
$31,941 + 1,936 = $33,877
Step d: On the General Schedule for GS-8 (OPM Salary Table 2003-GS), identify the lowest GS-8 salary that exceeds $33,877:
Step e: The employee is also entitled to the Washington, DC rate of locality pay for GS-8, step 3. The employee's total pay is $38,240 (OPM Salary Table 2003-DCB).