Antitrust Civil Process Act of 1962 (P.L. 87-664)
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Public Law | Bills | Reports | Hearings and Related Documents | Debates | Others
Public Law
- H.R. 7309, Introduced July 13, 1955
- H.R. 4792, Introduced February 19, 1959
- H.R. 6689, Introduced in the House April 27, 1961
- H. Res. 558, Reported in the House March 8, 1962
- S. 3425, Introduced March 12, 1956
- S. 1023, Introduced February 4, 1957
- S. 716, Introduced January 27, 1959
- S. 1003, Introduced February 9, 1959
- S. 716, Reported June 29, 1959
- S. 716, Referred July 30, 1959
- S. 167, Introduced in the Senate January 5, 1961
- S. 167, Reported in the Senate September 20, 1961
- S. 167, Referred to the House September 22, 1961
- S. 167, Reported in the House February 26, 1962
- House Report No. 1386, To accompany S. 167, February 26, 1962
- House Report No. 1411, To accompany H. Res. 1411, March 8, 1962
- House Report No. 1884, Conference Report to accompany S. 167, June 21, 1962
- House Report No. 2291, Conference Report to accompany S. 167, August 28, 1962
- Senate Report No. 451, To accompany S. 716, June 29, 1959
- Senate Report No. 451, Part 2, To accompany S. 716, July 9, 1959
- Senate Report No. 1090, To accompany S. 167, September 20, 1961
Hearings and Related Documents
- Civil Investigative Demand, hearing before the Antitrust Subcommittee (Subcommittee No. 5) of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, 87th Congress, 1st Session, on H.R. 6689, August 23, 1961
- Authorization for Department of Justice to Make Demand for Evidence in Civil Antitrust Investigations, hearing before the Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 87th Congress, 1st Session, pursuant to S. Res. 57 on S. 716 and S. 1003 ... March 3, 1959
- Authorization for Department of Justice to Make Demand for Evidence in Civil Antitrust Investigations, hearing before the Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 87th Congress, 1st Session, pursuant to S. Res. 52 on S. 167, June 7, 1961
- Remarks by Mr. Kefauver, Congressional Record 1171 January 27, 1959
- Production of Documentary Evidence in Certain Cases, Congressional Record 1176 January 27, 1959
- Reports of Committees, Congressional Record 12017 June 29, 1959
- Production of Documentary Evidence in Certain Cases - Printing of Individual Views as Part 2 of Senate Report 451, Congressional Record 11412 July 2, 1959
- Bills Passed Over, Congressional Record 12668 July 6, 1959
- Production of Documentary Evidence in Certain Cases - Printing of Individual Views as Part 2 of Senate Report 451, Congressional Record 11873 July 9, 1959
- Limitation of Debates on Senate Bill 716, Congressional Record 13304 July 29, 1959
- Production of Documentary Evidence in Civil Investigations, Congressional Record 13320 July 29, 1959
- Production of Documentary Evidence in Civil Investigations, Congressional Record 13323 July 29, 1959
- Remarks by Mr. Kefauver, Congressional Record 133 January 5, 1961
- Production of Documentary Evidence, Congressional Record 180 January 5, 1961
- Reports of Committees, Congressional Record 19170 September 20, 1961
- Production of Documentary Evidence in Civil Investigations, Congressional Record 19417 September 21, 1961
- Senate Bills Referred, Congressional Record 19624 September 22, 1961
- Reports of Committees, Congressional Record 2716 February 26, 1962
- Antitrust Civil Process Act, Congressional Record 3663 March 13, 1962
- Antitrust Civil Process Act, Congressional Record 3995 March 13, 1962
- Production of Documentary Evidence in Certain Cases, Congressional Record 4189 March 20, 1962
- Production of Certain Evidence, Congressional Record 4302 March 21, 1962
- Antitrust Civil Process Act, Congressional Record 10570 June 21, 1962
- Questions and Answers Regarding the Antitrust Civil Process Act - S. 167, Congressional Record 12878 July 17, 1962
- Antitrust Civil Process Act, Congressional Record 13031 July 18, 1962
- To Compel Production of Documentary Evidence, Congressional Record 16895 August 28, 1962
- Antitrust Civil Process Act, Congressional Record 17322 September 4, 1962
- Production of Documentary Evidence Required in Certain Civil Investigations - Conference Report, Congressional Record 17757 September 7, 1962
- Senate Enrolled Bill Signed, Congressional Record 17833 September 10, 1962
- Enrolled Bills and Joint Resolutions Signed, Congressional Record 17867 September 10, 1962
- Enrolled Bills Presented, Congressional Record 17888 September 10, 1962
- Message from the President - Approval of Bill, Congressional Record 18883 September 20, 1962
- Antitrust Administration and Enforcement, Report of the Attorney General's Committee to Study the Antitrust Laws, 1955, pp. 343-349
- Department of Justice, For Immediate Release Friday, July 1, 1955
- "Proposed Civil Investigative Demand, A More Precise Method For Antitrust Investigation,"... Address by Honorable Victor R. Hansen, Assistant Attorney General of the United States in charge of the Antitrust Division, Department of Justice, Washington, DC, For release Friday, April 25, 1958 10:50 A.M.
- Competition, Excerpt from "Second Progress Report by the Cabinet Committee on Small Business" - Dated December 31, 1958 - Page 4