Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-185)
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Public Law | Bills | Reports | Hearings | Debates | Documents
Public Law
- H.R. 1916, Introduced June 22, 1995
- H.R. 1745, Introduced May 22, 1997
- H.R. 1965, Introduced June 19, 1997
- H.R. 1965, Reported October 20, 1998
- H.R. 1658, Introduced in House May 4, 1999
- H.R. 1658, Reported in House June 18, 1999
- H.R. 1658, Engrossed as agreed to or passed by House June 24, 1999
- H.R. 1658, Received, read twice and referred to the Committee on Judiciary June 28, 1999
- H.R. 1658, Enrolled January 24, 2000
- H.R. 1658, Reported in Senate March 23, 2000
- H.R. 1658, Engrossed amendment as agreed to by Senate March 27, 2000
- H. Res. 216, Reported in House June 22, 1999
- H. Res. 216, Engrossed as agreed to or passed by House June 24, 1999
- S. 1701, Introduced October 6, 1999
- S. 1931, Introduced November 16, 1999
- House Report No. 105-358, Part 1, To accompany H.R. 1965, October 30, 1997
- House Report No. 106-192, To accompany H.R. 1658, June 18, 1999
- House Report No. 106-193, To accompany H. Res. 216, June 22, 1999
- DOJ Asset Forfeiture Program, Legislation & National Security Subcommittee, House Committee on Government Operations, 102d Congress. September 30, 1992 [PDF]
- H.R. 1916, Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act, House Committee on the Judiciary, 104th Congress, July 22, 1996 [PDF]
- H.R. 1835, Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act, House Committee on the Judiciary, 105th Congress, June 11, 1997 [PDF]
- Federal Asset Forfeiture, Focusing on Its Role In Fighting Crime & the Need for Reform, Subcommittee on Criminal Justice Oversight, Senate Committee on the Judiciary, 106th Congress, July 21, 1999 [PDF]
- Reports of Committees on Public Bills and Resolutions, Congressional Record H9799 October 30, 1997
- Time Limitation of Referred Bill, Congressional Record H9799 October 30, 1997
- Time Limitation of Referred Bill, Congressional Record H2331 April 27, 1998
- Time Limitation of Referred Bill, Congressional Record H3013 May 7, 1998
- Time Limitation of Referred Bill, Congressional Record H4879 June 19, 1998
- Reports of Committees on Public Bills and Resolutions, Congressional Record H7410 August 6, 1998
- Discharge of Committee, Congressional Record H11705 October 21, 1998
- Public Bills and Resolutions, Congressional Record H2634 May 4, 1999
- Announcement Regarding Amendment Process for H.R. 1658, Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act, Congressional Record H4573 June 17, 1999
- Reports of Committees in Public Bills and Resolutions, Congressional H4664 June 18, 1999
- Report on Resolution Providing For Consideration of H.R. 1658, Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act, Congressional Record H4675 June 22, 1999
- Reports of Committees on Public Bills and Resolutions, Congressional Record H4733 June 22, 1999
- Amendments, Congressional Record H4736 June 22, 1999
- Amendments, Congressional Record H4823 June 23, 1999
- Providing for Consideration of H.R. 1658, Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act, Congressional Record H4851 June 24, 1999
- Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act, Congressional Record H4854 June 24, 1999
- Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act, Congressional Record H4858 June 24, 1999
- H.R. 1658, Congressional Record H4953 June 24, 1999 [PDF]
- Message from the House, Congressional Record S7709 June 28, 1999
- Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act, Speech of Hon. Patsy T. Mink of Hawaii, Congressional Record E1465 July 1, 1999
- Remarks by Mr. Sessions for himself, Mr. Schumer, Mr. Thurmond, Mr. Biden, Mrs. Feinstein, Mr. Helms, and Mr. Cleland, Congressional Record S12108 October 6, 1999 [PDF]
- Remarks by Mr. Hatch for himself and Mr. Leahy, Congressional Record S14628 November 16, 1999 [PDF]
- Reports of Committees, Congressional Record S1671 March 23, 2000
- Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000, Congressional Record S1753 March 27, 2000
- Message from the Senate, Congressional Record H1415 March 28, 2000
- Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000, Congressional Record H2040 April 11, 2000
- Enrolled Bill Signed, Congressional Record H2334 April 13, 2000
- Bills and Joint Resolution Presented to the President, Congressional Record H2399 May 2, 2000
- House Bills and Joint Resolutions Approved by the President, Congressional Record H7498 September 12, 2000
- Passage of Certain Legislation, Congressional Record S10913 October 24, 2000