Endangered Species Act Amendments of 2003 (P.L. 108-136)
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Public Law | Bills | Reports | Hearings and Related Documents | Debates | Presidential Statements
Public Law
- H.R. 1588, Enrolled, January 7, 2003
- H.R. 1588, Introduced in House April 3, 2003
- H.R. 1588, Reported in House May 16, 2003
- H.R. 1588, Engrossed as agreed to or passed by House May 22, 2003
- H.R. 1588, Received in Senate from House June 2, 2003
- H.R. 1588, Engrossed as amendment as agreed by Senate June 4, 2003
- H.R. 1588, Public print June 4, 2003
- H.R. 1835, Introduced April 29, 2003
- H.R. 1835, Reported June 13, 2003
- H.Res. 245, Reported May 20, 2003
- H.Res. 245, Engrossed May 21, 2003
- H.Res. 247, Reported May 21, 2003
- H.Res. 247, Engrossed May 22, 2003
- H.R. 1497, Introduced March 27, 2003
- H.R. 1497, Reported June 13, 2003
- H.Res.437, Reported November 7, 2003
- H.Res.437, Engrossed November 7, 2003
- H.R. 1235, Introduced March 12, 2003
- S. 747, Introduced March 31, 2003
- S. 1050, Placed on the calendar May 13, 2003
- S. 1047, Placed on the calendar May 13, 2003
- S. 1047, Engrossed as agreed to or passed by Senate May 22, 2003
- House report 108-99 Part 1, National Security Readiness Act of 2003, May 14, 2003
- House report 108-100 Part 1, Sikes Act Reauthorization Act of 2003, May 14, 2003
- House report 108-106, Part 1, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004
- House report 108-106 Part 2, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, May 21, 2003
- House report 108-120, Providing for Consideration of H.R. 1588, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, May 20, 2003
- House report 108-354, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, November 7, 2003
- House report 108-122, Providing for Further Consideration of H.R. 1588, National Defense Authorization act for Fiscal Year 2004, May 21, 2003
- Senate report 108-46, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, To accompany S. 1050, May 13, 2003
Hearings and Related Documents
- H.R. 1497, a bill to Reauthorize Title I of the Sikes Act, hearing before the Subcommittee on fisheries Conservation, Wildlife and Oceans of the Committee on Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, 108th Congress, Thursday, April 10, 2003
- H.R. 2693, a bill to reauthorize the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, hearing before the Subcommittee on Fisheries Conservation, Wildlife and Oceans of the Committee on Resources, U.S. House of Representatives 108th Congress, Thursday, July 24, 2003
- Introduction of Bills and Joint Resolutions, Congressional Record S4557 March 31, 2003
- Reports of Committees, Congressional Record S6070 May 13, 2003
- Introduction of Bills and Join Resolutions, Congressional Record S6070 May 13, 2003
- Remarks By Mr. Warner, Congressional Record S6083 May 13, 2003
- Announcement by Committee on Rules Regarding Amendments to H.R. 1588, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record H4170 May 15, 2003
- Conclusion of Morning Business, Congressional Record S6575 May 19, 2003
- National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 - Continued, Congressional Record S6587 May 19, 2003
- Text of Amendments, Congressional Record S6634 May 19, 2003
- Report on Resolution Providing for Consideration of H.R. 1588, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record H4365 May 20, 2003
- Reports of Committees on Public Bills and Resolutions, Congressional Record H4366 May 20, 2003
- Amendments, Congressional Record H4369 May 20, 2003
- National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record S6644 May 20, 2003
- National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 - continued, Congressional Record S6659 May 20, 2003
- National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 - continued, Congressional Record S6660 May 20, 2003
- Text of Amendments, Congressional Record S6718 May 20, 2003
- Personal Explanation, Congressional Record H4399 May 21, 2003
- National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record S6789 May 21, 2003
- National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 - Continued, Congressional Record S6845 May 21, 2003
- Providing for consideration of H.R. 1588, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record H4387 May 21, 2003
- Permission for Committee on Armed Services to file supplemental report on H.R. 1588, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record H4402 May 21, 2003
- National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record H4402 May 21, 2003]
- Report on resolution providing for further consideration of H.R. 1588, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record H4525 May 21, 2003
- Reports of committees on public bills and resolutions, Congressional Record H4526 May 21, 2003
- Text of amendments, Congressional Record S6871 May 21, 2003
- Personal explanation, Congressional Record H4556 May 22, 2003
- National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record S6892 May 22, 2003
- Department of Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record S6941 May 22, 2003
- National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 - continued, Congressional Record S6919 May 22, 2003
- Text of Amendments, Congressional Record S7057 May 22, 2003
- Providing for further consideration of H.R. 1588, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record H4542 May 22, 2003
- National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record H4571 May 22, 2003
- National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004-Continued, Congressional Record H4585 May 22, 2003
- Message from the President, Congressional Record H4599 May 22, 2003
- National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record H4600 May 22, 2003
- Personal explanation, Congressional Record H4601 May 22, 2003
- Authorizing the clerk to make corrections in engrossment of H.R. 1588, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record H4613 May 22, 2003
- General leave, Congressional Record H4613 May 22, 2003
- Message from the House Congressional Record S7187 June 2, 2003
- National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, speech of Hon. Tom Udall of New Mexico in the House of Representatives, Congressional Record E1094 June 2, 2003
- Amendments submitted & proposed, Congressional Record S7405 June 4, 2003
- Remarks of Mr. Reid, Congressional Record S7407 June 4, 2003 [PDF]
- National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record S7279 June 4, 2003
- National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 - Continued, Congressional Record S7297 June 4, 2003
- Message from the Senate, Congressional Record H4981 June 5, 2003
- FY04 Department of Defense Authorization Bill, H.R. 1588, Hon. Betty McClollum of Minnesota in the House of Representatives, Tuesday, June 10, 2003, Congressional Record E1200 June 11, 2003
- Motion to close Conference Committee meetings on H.R. 1588, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, when classified National Security information is under consideration, Congressional Record H6949 July 16, 2003
- Appointment of conferees on H.R. 1588, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record H6904 July 16, 2003
- Announcement of intention to offer motion to instruct on H.R. 1588, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record H8063 September 9, 2003
- Motion to instruct conferees on H.R. 1588, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record H8167 September 10, 2003
- Motion to Instruct Conferees H.R. 1588, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004- continued, Congressional Record H8177 September 10, 2003
- Announcement by the Speaker Pro Tempore, Congressional Record H8189 September 10, 2003
- Motion to instruct conferees offered by Mr. Edwards on H.R. 1588, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record H8189 September 10, 2003
- Announcement of intention to offer motion to instruct conferees on H.R. 1588, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record H8257 September 16, 2003
- Motion to instruct Conferees on H.R. 1588 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record H8366 September 17, 2003
- Motion to instruct conferees on H.R. 1588, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, speech of Hon. Doug Bereuter of Nebraska in the House of Representatives, Congressional Record E1859 September 23, 2003
- Personal Explanation, Congressional Record H8466 September 23, 2003
- Announcement of Intention to Offer Motion to Instruct Conferees on H.R. 1588, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record H8468 September 23, 2003
- Announcement by the Speaker Pro Tempore, Congressional Record H8464 September 23, 2003
- Motion to Instruct Conferees on H.R. 1588, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record E1868 September 23, 2003
- Personal Explanation, Hon. Lee Terry of Nebraska, Congressional Record E1878 September 24, 2003
- Personal Explanation, Hon. John R. Carter of Texas, Congressional Record E1878 September 24, 2003
- Motion to instruct conferees on H.R. 1588, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record H8887 September 24, 2003
- Personal Explanation, Congressional Record H8923 September 25, 2003
- Motion to instruct conferees on H.R. 1588, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record E1899 September 25, 2003
- Personal Explanation, Hon Betty McCollum of Minnesota, Congressional Record E1968 October 2, 2003
- Report on Resolution Waiving Points of Order Against Conference Report on H.R. 1588, National Defense Authorization Act For Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record H10563 November 6, 2003
- Permission to have until 6 A.M. Friday, November 7, 2003 to file Conference Report on H.R. 1588, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record H10537 November 6, 2003
- Reports of committees on public bills and resolutions, Congressional Record H10976 November 6, 2003
- Enrolled joint resolution signed, Congressional Record S14269 November 7, 2003
- Conference Report on H.R. 1588, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record H10982 November 7, 2003
- Personal explanation, Hon. Carolyn C. Kilpatrick of Michigan in the House of Representatives, Congressional Record E2289 November 10, 2003
- Privileges of the floor, Congressional Record S14458 November 11, 2003
- National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 - Conference Report - Motion to proceed, Congressional Record S14417 November 11, 2003
- National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 - Conference Report, Congressional Record S14417 November 11, 2003
- National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 - Conference Report - Resumed, Congressional Record S14481 November 12, 2003
- Conference Report on H.H. 1588, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Congressional Record E2291 November 12, 2003
- Communication from the clerk of the House, Congressional Record H11152 November 14, 2003
- Conference Report on H.R. 1588, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, speech of Hon. Richard Burr of North Carolina in the House of Representatives, Congressional Record E2321 November 19, 2003
- Conference report on H.R. 1588, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, speech of Hon. Tom Udall of New Mexico in the House of Representatives, Congressional Record E2322 November 19, 2003
- Conference Report on H.R. 1588, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, speech of Hon. Mark Udall of Colorado in the House of Representatives, Congressional Record E2329 November 19, 2003
- Enrolled bills signed, Congressional Record H11647 November 19, 2003
- Enrolled bills signed, Congressional Record S15183 November 19, 2003
- Support of the Conference Agreement on the Defense Authorization Act, H.R. 1588, Speech of Hon. Betty McCollum of Minnesota in the House of Representatives, Friday November 7, 2003, Congressional Record E2343 November 20, 2003
- H.R.1588 Defense Authorization Conference Report, Hon. Mark Udall of Colorado in the House of Representatives, Congressional Record E2354 November 20, 2003
- Enrolled bills signed, Congressional Record S15282 November 20, 2003
- Budget scorekeeping report, Congressional Record S15397 November 21, 2003
- Bills presented to the President, Congressional Record H12317 November 25, 2003
Presidential Statements
- Remarks on Signing the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 in Arlington, Virginia, Administration of George W. Bush, November 24, 2003 p. 1681
- Statement on Signing the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Administration of George W. Bush, November 24, 2003 p. 1683