Enhanced Federal Security Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-547)
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Public Law | Bills | Reports | Hearings and Related Documents | Debates
Public Law
- H.R. 2633, Introduced July 29, 1999
- H.R. 4827, Enrolled as agreed to or passed by both House and Senate January 24, 2000
- H.R. 4827, Introduced July 12, 2000
- H.R. 4827, Reported September 28, 2000
- H.R. 4827, Engrossed as agreed to or passed by House October 2, 2000
- H.R. 4827, Received in Senate from House October 3, 2000
- House Report No. 106-913, Enhanced Federal Security Act of 2000, to accompany H. R. 4827 September 28, 2000
Hearings and Related Documents
- 2000 Breaches of Security at Federal Agencies and Airports, hearing before the Subcommittee on Crime of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, 106th Congress, May 25, 2000 [PDF]
- Breaches of Security at Federal Agencies and Airports, hearing before the Subcommittee on Crime of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, 106th Congress, May 25, 2000 [PDF]
- H.R. 2633 - the Police Badge Fraud Prevention Act of 1999, Congressional Record E1687 July 30, 1999
- Police Badge Prevention Act of 1999, Congressional Record H3863 May 25, 2000
- Enhanced Federal Security Act of 2000, H.R. 4827, Congressional Record E1228 July 13, 2000
- Enhanced Federal Security Act of 2000, Congressional Record H8570 October 2, 2000
- Enhanced Federal Security Act of 2000, Congressional Record S11655 December 6, 2000