Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (P.L. 103-141)
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Public Law | Bills | Reports | Hearings and Related Documents | Debates | Other
Public Law
- H.R. 5377, Introduced in House July 26, 1990
- H.R. 2797, Introduced in House June 26, 1991
- H.R. 4040, Introduced in House November 26, 1991
- H.R. 1308, Introduced in House March 11, 1993
- H.R. 1308, Reported in House May 11, 1993
- H.R. 1308, Engrossed as agreed to or passed by House May 11, 1993
- H.R. 1308, Placed on Calendar in Senate May 13, 1993
- H.R. 1308, Engrossed amendment as agreed to by Senate October 27, 1993
- H.R. 1308, Enrolled as agreed to or passed by both House and Senate January 5, 1993
- S. 3254, Introduced in Senate October 26, 1990
- S. 2969, Introduced in Senate July 2, 1992
- S. 578, Introduced in Senate March 11, 1993
- S. 578, Reported without amendment in Senate July 27, 1993
- House Report No. 103-88, Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, to accompany H.R. 1308, May 11, 1993
- Senate Report No. 103-111, Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, to accompany S. 578, July 27, 1993
Hearings and Related Documents
- Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1991, hearing before the Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional Rights of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, 101st Congress, on H.R. 5377, September 27, 1990
- Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1991 on H.R. 2797, hearing before the Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional Rights of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, 102nd Congress, May 13 and 14, 1992
- The Religious Freedom Restoration Act, hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 102nd Congress, on S. 2969, September 18, 1992
- By Mr. Biden - Mr. Moynihan S. 3254, Congressional Record S17330 October 26, 1990
- Restoring Our First Freedom, Congressional Record E2422 June 27, 1991
- Oregon Employment Division Versus Smith: A Trespass of Religious Freedom, Congressional Record E3083 September 18, 1991
- Support religious freedom without jeopardizing the unborn, Congressional Record E4186 November 26, 1991
- Remarks by Mr. Kennedy, Congressional Record S9821 July 2, 1992
- The Religious Freedom Restoration Act, Congressional Record H1143 March 10, 1993
- Remarks by Mr. Kennedy, Congressional Record S2822 March 11, 1993
- The Religious Freedom Restoration Act, Congressional Record H2353 May 11, 1993
- Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, Congressional Record H2356 May 11, 1993
- Support of H.R. 1308, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, Congressional Record E1216 May 11, 1993
- Support for H.R. 1308, speech of Hon. Benjamin L. Cardin of Maryland in the House of Representatives, Tuesday, May 11, 1993, Congressional Record E1234 May 12, 1993
- Religious Freedom Restoration Act, speech of Hon. Bob Franks of New Jersey in the House of Representatives, Tuesday, May 11, 1993, Congressional Record E1243 May 12, 1993
- Measure Placed on the Calendar-H.R. 1308, Congressional Record S5972 May 13, 1993
- Religious Freedom Restoration Act, Congressional Record E1277 May 19, 1993
- Remarks by Mr. Inouye, Congressional Record S6456 May 25, 1993
- Religious Freedom Restoration Act, Congressional Record S8731 July 14, 1993
- What About Victims Rights?, Congressional Record H6298 August 6, 1993
- Unanimous-Consent Agreement-S. 578, Congressional Record S12463 September 23, 1993
- Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, Kennedy and Hatch Amendment No. 1062, Congressional Record S14437 October 26, 1993
- Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, Congressional Record S14350 October 26, 1993
- Orders for Tomorrow, Congressional Record S14445 October 26, 1993
- Message from the Senate, Congressional Record H8510 October 27, 1993
- Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, Congressional Record S14461 October 27, 1993
- Religious Freedom Restoration Act, Congressional Record S14515 October 27, 1993
- From the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, Congressional Record S14702 October 29, 1993
- Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, Congressional Record H8713 November 3, 1993
- Enrolled Bill Signed, Congressional Record H8874 November 4, 1993
- Bills presented to the President, Congressional Record H10998 November 23, 1993
- The Religious Freedom Restoration Act, Congressional Record S5014 May 3, 1994