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U.S. Appellate Courts | U.S. District Courts | U.S. Bankruptcy Courts
State and Local Courts | Legal Ethics and Attorney Regulation | Legislature and Laws
State Executive and Regulatory Information | Local Government | State Agencies & Offices
General Resources
U.S. Appellate Courts
U.S. District Courts
U.S. Bankruptcy Courts
- District of Kansas Bankruptcy Court. Includes Opinions
State and Local Courts
State Judiciary
Supreme Court
Court of Appeal
- Court of Appeals Includes Cases & Decisions
- Court of Appeals Opinions (FindLaw) 1993 to present
Local/Lower Courts
Court Forms and Administration
Criminal Information
- Kansas Adult Supervised Population Electronic Repository (Kansas Department of Corrections)
- Registered Offenders Search (Kansas Bureau of Investigation)
- Criminal History Check (Kansas Bureau of Investigation) Fee-based
- Kansas Sentencing Commission
Legal Ethics and Attorney Regulation
- Kansas Bar Association Voluntary
- Rules of Professional Conduct Select "Attorney Discipline" rule category.
- Code of Judicial Conduct Select "Judicial Conduct" rule category
- Published Attorney Discipline Cases
- Kansas Find-a-Lawyer (Legal Directories)
- Continuing Legal Education
- Kansas Trial Lawyers Association
Legislature and Laws
Laws, Codes and Statutes
Legislative Materials
State Executive and Regulatory Information
Governor's Office
Office of the Attorney General
- Kansas Register Wide range of information such as proposed and adopted Kansas administrative regulations, new state laws, bond sales and redemptions, notice of open meetings, state contracts offered for bid, Attorney General opinions, and more.
- Administrative Regulations
- Office of Administrative Hearings
Local Government
County & Municipal Information
Municipal Codes
- Municipal Codes (municode) Includes over 25 municipal codes.
- Municipal eCodes (General Code)
State Agencies & Offices
- Department of Revenue
- Unclaimed Property (Kansas State Treasurer)
- Elections Division Includes Lobbyist Directory
- Governmental Ethics Commission Includes Campaign Finance Reports
- Charitable Organization Registry
- State Archives (Kansas Historical Society)
- State Library
- Vital Records (vitalrec.com)
- Public Records Directory (onlinesearches.com)