Tara M. Jamison
Tara M. Jamison is the Director of the Office of Acquisition Management for the Department of Justice and serves as the Deputy Senior Procurement Executive. She oversees all acquisition-related policy, new initiatives, systems, workforce programs, and strategic priorities. She provides leadership to over 5,600 DOJ acquisition workforce members worldwide in executing their acquisition portfolio. As a leader in the acquisition community, Ms. Jamison serves as the Department of Justice’s Department Competition Advocate, Task Order Ombudsman, and Executive Sponsor for the DOJ Government Charge Card Program. She is also the Attorney General’s representative to the AbilityOne Commission as a Presidentially appointed Commission Member responsible for increasing opportunities for underutilized workforce individuals who are blind or have significant disabilities to deliver high quality, mission-essential products, and services to Federal agencies. Ms. Jamison has experience as a contracting officer responsible for critical programs at the Department of Justice, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and the Department of the Navy. She is the recipient of a Department of Justice, Justice Management Division, Special Commendation Award, and the Department of Defense’s David Packard Excellence in Acquisition Award. Ms. Jamison holds her Bachelor in Public Policy Studies from Duke University and a Master of Business Administration from Georgetown University.