Annual FOIA Reports - FY 23
Note: Reports linked to below come from individual agency sites. If you encounter an error when trying to access one of the reports below, please e-mail the OIP Web Content Manager at (link sends e-mail) with the name of the agency and report you are unable to access.
Federal Departments
- Department of Agriculture (XML)
- Department of Commerce (XML)
- Department of Defense (XML)
- Department of Education (XML)
- Department of Energy (XML)
- Department of Health and Human Services (XML)
- Department of Homeland Security (XML)
- Department of Housing and Urban Development (XML)
- Department of Justice (XML)
- Department of Labor (XML)
- Department of State (XML)
- Department of the Interior (XML)
- Department of the Treasury (XML)
- Department of Transportation (XML)
- Department of Veterans Affairs (XML)
Federal Agencies
- Administrative Conference of the United States (XML)
- Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (XML)
- American Battle Monuments Commission (XML)
- Amtrak (XML)
- Appraisal Subcommittee (XML)
- Armed Forces Retirement Home (XML)
- Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (XML)
- Central Intelligence Agency (XML)
- Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (XML)
- Commission of Fine Arts (XML)
- Committee for Purchase from People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled (XML)
- Commodity Futures Trading Commission (XML)
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (XML)
- Corporation for National and Community Service (XML)
- Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (XML)
- Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (XML)
- Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (XML)
- Denali Commission (XML)
- Environmental Protection Agency (XML)
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (XML)
- Executive Office of the President
- Council on Environmental Quality (XML)
- Office of the Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator (XML)
- Office of Management and Budget (XML)
- Office of National Drug Control Policy (XML)
- Office of Science and Technology Policy (XML)
- Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (XML)
- Export-Import Bank (XML)
- Farm Credit Administration (XML)
- Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation (XML)
- Federal Communications Commission (XML)
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (XML)
- Federal Election Commission (XML)
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (XML)
- Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (XML)
- Federal Housing Finance Agency (XML)
- Federal Labor Relations Authority (XML)
- Federal Maritime Commission (XML)
- Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (XML)
- Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission (XML)
- Federal Open Market Committee (XML)
- Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council (XML)
- Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (XML)
- Federal Trade Commission (XML)
- General Services Administration (XML)
- Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council (XML)
- Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation (XML)
- Institute of Museum and Library Services (XML)
- Inter-American Foundation (XML)
- James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation (XML)
- Legal Services Corporation (XML)
- Marine Mammal Commission (XML)
- Merit Systems Protection Board (XML)
- Millennium Challenge Corporation (XML)
- Morris K. Udall Foundation (XML)
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration (XML)
- National Archives and Records Administration (XML)
- National Capital Planning Commission (XML)
- National Council on Disability (XML)
- National Credit Union Administration (XML)
- National Endowment for the Arts (XML)
- National Endowment for the Humanities (XML)
- National Indian Gaming Commission (XML)
- National Labor Relations Board (XML)
- National Mediation Board (XML)
- National Science Foundation (XML)
- National Transportation Safety Board (XML)
- Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation (XML)
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission (XML)
- Nuclear Waste and Technical Review Board (XML)
- Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (XML)
- Office of Government Ethics (XML)
- Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation (XML)
- Office of Personnel Management (XML)
- Office of Special Counsel (XML)
- Office of the Director of National Intelligence (XML)
- Peace Corps (XML)
- Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (XML)
- Postal Regulatory Commission (XML)
- Presidio Trust (XML)
- Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (XML)
- Railroad Retirement Board (XML)
- Securities and Exchange Commission (XML)
- Selective Service System (XML)
- Small Business Administration (XML)
- Social Security Administration (XML)
- Social Security Advisory Board (XML)
- Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (XML)
- Surface Transportation Board (XML)
- Tennessee Valley Authority (XML)
- U.S. Access Board (XML)
- U.S. African Development Foundation (XML)
- U.S. Agency for Global Media (XML)
- U.S. Agency for International Development (XML)
- U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad (XML)
- U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (XML)
- U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (XML)
- U.S. Copyright Office (XML)
- U.S. Election Assistance Commission (XML)
- U.S. Institute of Peace (XML)
- U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness (XML)
- U.S. International Boundary and Water Commission (XML)
- U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (XML)
- U.S. International Trade Commission (XML)
- U.S. Postal Service (XML)
- U.S. Trade and Development Agency (XML)