Pevely man sentenced to 25 years in prison for producing child pornography
ST. LOUIS – William Jackson, 46, of Pevely, Missouri appeared before United States District Court Judge Stephen R. Clark on today’s date and was sentenced to 25 years in prison for producing child pornography. Jackson previously pleaded guilty in August 2021.
According to the plea agreement, on April 29, 2020, Jackson responded to an advertisement that was placed on an online forum by an undercover law enforcement officer. Jackson communicated with the undercover officer's fictitious persona and expressed interest in engaging in sexual activity with the individual that Jackson believed to be an underage female.
On April 29, 2020, Jackson travelled to the State of Illinois from Missouri to meet who he believed would be the underage female minor with the intention of engaging in sexual conduct with her. Jackson was arrested by law enforcement at that time. A review of Jackson's cellular telephone conducted subsequent to that arrest revealed ten images of sexual abuse of a young minor female.
Agents determined Jackson and a co-defendant were sexually abusing a minor. Acting together, they produced and transmitted via the internet at least ten images of the sexual abuse of the minor victim utilizing digital recording equipment on an Apple iPhone cellular telephone.
The case was investigated by the St. Louis County Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.