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In response to the attack against the United States on September 11,2001, the Attorney General directed that the fight against terrorism and the prevention of future terrorist acts must be law enforcement’s first priority. He directed every United States Attorney to establish an Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council (ATAC) to serve as a conduit for information sharing about suspected terrorists among federal, state and local law enforcement entities.

In the Eastern District of Tennessee, the ATAC operates as an umbrella organization of local, state, and federal agencies that coordinates activities, develops policy, implements strategic plans, and provides training to combat terrorism. It also coordinates with the other ATACs around the nation and works closely with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF). Member agencies include those from law enforcement, public health, emergency planning and response, the military and the intelligence community.

Some of the cases brought by the United States Attorney’s Office to protect our national security include:

Investigations are undertaken with agents from the FBI, the Office of the Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and other federal and state agencies. ACE cases can present facts and issues that warrant criminal as well as civil prosecution.

If you have information about individuals or groups that may be involved in domestic or foreign terrorism please contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation at (865) 544-0751 or you can report suspicious activity through the Tennessee Fusion Center.

Updated April 10, 2020