Project Safe Childhood
Project Safe Childhood (PSC) is a Department of Justice initiative launched in 2006 that aims to prevent and interdict the sexual exploitation and abuse of children, and prosecute those who exploit children for sexual purposes. The National Strategy for child exploitation prevention and interdiction focuses on the following types of child sexual exploitation: (1) child pornography, often called images of child sexual abuse; (2) online enticement of children for sexual purposes; (3) commercial sexual exploitation of children, and (4) child sex tourism.
Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee
Each of the 94 U.S. Attorney's Offices has a LECC comprised of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. In districts that contain Indian Country, like Idaho, tribal police departments are also part of the LECC. The goal of the LECC is to improve cooperation and coordination among the various groups, thereby enhancing the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the criminal justice system.
Project Safe Neighborhoods
Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) is a collaborative effort by federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, and communities to prevent and deter gun violence. The U.S. Department of Justice has committed millions of dollars nationwide to this effort. This funding has been used to hire new federal, state and local prosecutors, support investigators, provide training, distribute gun safety locks, deter juvenile gun crime, and develop and promote community outreach efforts. Recently, PSN efforts have been extended to combat gang violence.
In the District of Idaho, the PSN Task Force has engaged in strategic planning with federal, state, and local law enforcement; strengthened partnerships among law enforcement agencies to improve gang and gun violence investigations and prosecutions; engaged in public outreach; provided training to state and local law enforcement; and sought community involvement in the fight against gang and gun violence.
Victim Witness Assistance
The Victim-Witness Assistance Program assists victims of federal crime during the prosecution process, provides information and referrals, helps assure victims' rights, and notifies them of public court proceedings.
Civil Rights Enforcement
The United States Attorney’s Office (USAO), in coordination with the United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division is responsible for enforcing the federal civil rights laws in the District of Idaho.
Tribal Lands
There are five federally recognized tribes are located in the state of Idaho: the Shoshone-Bannock, the Shoshone-Paiute, the Coeur d’Alene, the Kootenai, and the Nez Perce. The vast majority of the Native American population resides on four of five reservations, the Fort Hall Reservation (Shoshone-Bannock Tribes), the Coeur d’Alene Reservation, the Kootenai Reservation and the Nez Perce Reservation. The District shares the Duck Valley Reservation (Shoshone-Paiute Tribes) with Nevada, where most of the Duck Valley population resides.
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