Project Safe Childhood
Project Safe Childhood (PSC) is a Department of Justice initiative launched in 2006 that aims to prevent and interdict the sexual exploitation and abuse of children, and prosecute those who exploit children for sexual purposes. The National Strategy for child exploitation prevention and interdiction focuses on the following types of child sexual exploitation: (1) child pornography, often called images of child sexual abuse; (2) online enticement of children for sexual purposes; (3) commercial sexual exploitation of children, and (4) child sex tourism.
In Idaho, PSC coordinates efforts by various federal, state and local agencies and organizations to protect children by investigating and prosecuting online sexual offenses involving minors, sexual abuse of children in Indian Country, human trafficking, and sex offender registration violations. Local PSC partners include the Idaho Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task force, the FBI, U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS), Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), Secret Service, the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS), , state and local law enforcement officials, county prosecutors and others. Nationwide PSC partners include the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) and the Department of Justice Child Exploitation and Obscenity Unit (CEOS)
As a result of The Department of Justice’s PSC efforts, federal, state, and local law enforcement have received increased resources and training to combat child exploitation crimes. As part of PSC, DOJ created and funds 94 ICAC Task Forces nationwide, including the Idaho ICAC. ICAC task forces consist of specially trained state and local law enforcement personnel who focus exclusively on internet child sexual exploitation. The FBI, HSI, and USPIS have investigative and computer forensic resources that investigate child sexual exploitation offenses, and frequently assist state and local law enforcement in child exploitation investigations. The USMS enforces the Adam Walsh Act by locating and apprehending sex offenders who have failed to register on a sex offender registry, by assisting federal, state, and local authorities with the apprehension of fugitive sex offenders, and by investigating violations of the federal Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act.
The PSC coordination of federal, state, and local law enforcement in Idaho has created a group of highly dedicated, well-trained investigators who work cooperatively across jurisdictional lines to investigate and prosecute child sexual exploitation crimes. This has resulted in the identification and apprehension of greater numbers of offenders, many of whom are “hands-on” abusers whose conduct is a hidden but very real threat to the community.
2023 US Attorney Josh Hurwit Parent Letter with Safety Tips
Online and Texting Safety Tips for Kids and Parents
Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force
Project Safe Childhood - Department of Justice
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC)
NCMEC NetSmartz Workshop- Information and Resources for protecting children online
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