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Press Release

Colorado Man Pleads Guilty To Bank Robbery In Lawrence

For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, District of Kansas

TOPEKA, KAN. – A Colorado man pleaded guilty today to a bank robbery in Lawrence, U.S. Attorney Barry Grissom said.
Matthew W. Headley, 37, Canon City, Colo., pleaded guilty to a Sept. 5, 2013, robbery at the US Bank, 1807 W. 23rd Street in Lawrence. In his plea he admitted he was wearing a golf hat and pajama pants when entered the bank and handed a teller a note saying, “100s and 50s now.” Officers of the Lawrence Police Department arrested him soon after that at a convenience store not far from the bank.
 Sentencing is set for June 9. Both sides have agreed to recommend a sentence of 24 months in federal prison. Grissom commended the Lawrence Police Department, the FBI and Assistant U.S. Attorney Mike Warner for their work on the case.

Updated December 15, 2014
