Press Release
Maryland U.S. Attorney’s Office Publishes List of Reentry Resources for People Released from Custody After State or Federal Criminal Convictions
For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, District of Maryland
“Our Mission Is Preventing Crime, Not Just Sending People To Prison”
Baltimore, Maryland – As part of a new federal reentry initiative, the Maryland U.S. Attorney’s Office has published a list of governmental and private-sector agencies throughout Maryland that are available to assist people recently released from state and federal jails and prisons, announced U.S. Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein. The resource list can be accessed through a link on the U.S. Attorney’s Office home page, at
At a press conference held today, U.S. Attorney Rosenstein and Secretary Stephen T. Moyer of the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services discussed the importance of coordinated reentry initiatives.
“Former prisoners may face strong temptations to return to a life of crime, and we will hold them accountable if they do, but many programs are available to help them succeed,” said U.S. Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein. “Our mission is preventing crime, not just sending people to prison, so we focus our crime-prevention efforts on two groups: school students, to deter them from turning to crime; and ex-convicts, to stop them from reoffending.”
“This Maryland Reentry Resource List compiled by our dedicated and talented U.S. Attorney and his partners, provides a critical step in making offenders productive members of society while achieving our most important goal: making Maryland safer,” said Secretary Stephen T. Moyer of the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services.
In coordination with federal, state and local agencies and community service providers, the U.S. Attorney’s Office supports reentry initiatives as means of reducing recidivism and keeping communities safe. This year, the Maryland U.S. Attorney’s Office received targeted funding from the Department of Justice to hire a specialist to promote reentry and other crime-prevention efforts.
The Maryland Reentry Resource list covers the entire state, enabling people returning from state or federal custody to go to a single internet page and locate services and opportunities anywhere in Maryland.
The guide contains over 1350 listings and is organized by county, including Maryland’s 23 counties and Baltimore City. It provides up to date information that federal, state and local agencies and private-sector providers can use to help clients, and that individuals can access themselves using any internet-connected device. For service providers that have a website, the guide includes a hyperlinked web page address that a user can click to connect directly to the provider. The list will be updated regularly.
The Maryland Reentry Resource List is available on our website here. It is also for use by the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the Maryland Department of Public Safety, and federal and state parole and probation officers. If you know of other service providers, or to add or update resource listings, please contact Elizabeth Morse, Reentry/Prevention Specialist, at 410-209-4811 or
Additional information about the U.S. Attorney General’s Reentry Initiative is available at
Updated December 21, 2016
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