Press Release
Middle District Of Georgia Grant Funds Available
For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, Middle District of Georgia
Michael J. Moore, United States Attorney for the Middle District of Georgia, announced today that grant funds are available to Middle District agencies through a Department of Justice solicitation.
The U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs’ Bureau of Justice Assistance is seeking applications for funding under the FY 2013 Violent Gang and Gun Crime Reduction Program, also known as Project Safe Neighborhoods. In FY 2013, the Middle District is eligible to apply for up to $150,000 in grant funds to be used for enforcement, deterrence and prevention of gang and gun violence.
Applications are sought from state agencies, units of local government and non-profit organizations. Interested agencies are asked to submit a detailed budget, a narrative of the strategy, and purpose to the U.S. Attorney’s Office by February 19, 2013. A Selection Committee will review the applications, meet with the applicants and choose the agencies for which the Steering Committee will solicit funding in the grant application.“In this time of ever limited resources, we are very pleased to be able to assist Middle District agencies in locating funding opportunities such as this grant,” U.S. Attorney Michael Moore stated.
Interested organizations and agencies may contact Pamela Lightsey, Law Enforcement Coordinator, at 478-621-2603 for information regarding the application process and deadline.
The Grant Announcement can be viewed at:
Updated February 19, 2015