Project Safe Childhood
The United States Attorney's Office for the Middle District of Pennsylvania embraces its commitment to the protection of our children. Advances in technology over the past two decades have brought about new obstacles for parents, educators, and law enforcement. Parents and teachers cannot let their guard down when our children are in the classroom, library, or even in their own bedroom. The statistics are alarming. One in five children per year receives an unwanted sexual solicitation online. One in thirty-three children per year receives an aggressive sexual solicitation. And perhaps most disturbing, at any given time, 50,000 predators are on the internet actively seeking out children. Our district is committed to aggressively implementing programs and targeting those who would harm children in order to provide a safer environment for all children in today's ever expanding and complicated world.
Our efforts are coordinated, comprehensive, and robust. The Office aims to investigate and prosecute vigorously, and protect and assist victimized children. At the same time, we recognize a need for a broad, community-based effort to protect children.
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