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Middle District of Pennsylvania

About the District

Welcome to the United States Attorney's Office for the Middle District of Pennsylvania.

This office is one of 94 United States Attorney's Offices throughout the country. The staff is a highly qualified and experienced group of men and women dedicated to public service and the high standards, as well as the program goals, of the United States Department of Justice.

This website provides information about the Middle District, the organization, programs, and current major activities. It also contains press releases, contact information and links to other information sources.

I hope that you will find the website informative and that you will visit it frequently.

John C. Gurganus
Acting United States Attorney

Meet the U.S. Attorney

John C. Gurganus
Acting U.S. Attorney

Scranton: 570-348-2800
Fax: 570-348-2037


Acting U.S. Attorney John C. Gurganus