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Weed & Seed

Weed & Seed is a Department of Justice community-based program whose goal is to prevent, control and reduce violent crime, drug abuse, and gang activity in targeted high-crime neighborhoods throughout the country.

The Weed & Seed strategy follows a two-pronged approach: local law enforcement agencies and prosecutors cooperate in "weeding" out criminals who engage in violent crimes and drug abuse, and "seeding" brings to the area human services encompassing prevention, intervention, treatment, and neighborhood revitalization.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Pennsylvania has been involved with the Safer York Weed and Seed site within York City since 2007. In 2010, the Federal and State Weed and Seed programs were merged in York to improve and better coordinate their mutual program objectives.

The most active portion of the program has been the Safer York initiative working with the police department (special enforcement unit), juvenile curfew and fire code sweeps.  In addition, the program has had very active community involvement working with a gang prevention programs, youth education programs, neighborhood resource center workshops, and faith based resources.

Updated April 22, 2015