Civil Rights
The Americans with Disabilities Act, which celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2010, provides protection against discrimination for many individuals who have a variety of impairments that affect their daily lives. Detailed information about the ADA may be obtained at
If you believe that you were a victim of employment discrimination, please contact the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
Disability Discrimination by State/Local Governments
If you believe that a state or local government entity has discriminated against you on account of your disability or is not complying with the requirements of the ADA, please complete the form located at the following link:
Disability Discrimination by Private Entities
The ADA applies to many private entities that are open to the public. If you believe that a private entity that is open to the public (such as a store, hotel, hospital, theater, restaurant, doctor's office or lawyer's office) has discriminated against you or is otherwise not complying with the ADA, send a letter to the Department of Justice, at the address below, including the following information:
- Your full name, address, and telephone number, and the name of the party discriminated against;
- The name of the business, organization, or institution that you believe has discriminated;
- A description of the act or acts of discrimination, the date or dates of the discriminatory acts, and the name or names of the individuals who you believe discriminated; and
- Other information that you believe necessary to support your complaint. Please send copies of relevant documents. Do not send original documents (Retain them). You may also contact this office and ask to speak with the civil rights investigator.
U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Disability Rights Section - NYAV
Washington, DC 20530
Other Civil Rights Complaints?
If you believe that you have been a victim of housing discrimination, you may file a complaint with the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Information about how to file a Fair Housing complaint may be found at
For information about other types of civil rights violations, see the Civil Rights Division's website.