National Caseload Data Fiscal Year - 2011
**Important: Click on each file only once to save! The download may take several minutes depending on the size of the file and the speed of your connection.
Disk1 (zip)
Disk2 (zip)
Disk3 (zip)
Disk4 (zip)
Disk5 (zip)
Disk6 (zip)
Disk7 (zip)
Disk8 (zip)
Disk9 (zip)
Disk10 (zip)
Disk11 (zip)
Disk12 (zip)
Disk13 (zip)
Disk14 (zip)
Once you have downloaded each of the files, refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page to assist you with reading the data.
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Page last updated: Wed, 11/5/14 10:54 AM