294. Additional References
The following sources were obtained through a data-base search or were provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. While these references are not exhaustive, and many could not even be directly reviewed, their inclusion here is hoped to prove helpful:
- Pinizzotto, Anthony J.; "Memory and Hypnosis: Implications for the Use of Forensic Hypnosis"; Professional Psychology: Research and Practice; Vol. 20, #5, pp. 322-28 (1989).
- Hammond, D. Corydon, et al.; "Clinical Hypnosis and Memory Guidelines for Clinicians and Forensic Hypnosis"; American Society of Clinical Hypnosis Press (February 1995, pamphlet).
- Bennett, M. and Hess, J.; "Cognitive Interviewing"; FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin (March 1991).
- Binge, A.; "The Cognitive Interview Technique: An Effective Investigative Tool"; Law and Order (November 1994).
- Ault, Richard L.; "Hypnosis: The FBI's Team Approach"; FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin (January 1980).
- Ault, Richard L.; "FBI Guidelines For Use of Hypnosis"; The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis; Vol. 27, #4; pp. 449 to 451 (1979).
- Spanos, Nicholas P., et al.; "Hypnotic Interrogation, Pretrial Preparation, and Witness Testimony During Direct and Cross-Examination"; Law and Human Behavior; Vol. 15, pp. 639-53 (December 1991).
- Hypnosis-related A.L.R. articles: 92 A.L.R. 3d 442 (1979); 50 A.L.R. Fed. 602 (1980); 75 A.L.R. Fed. 461 (1985); 77 A.L.R. 4th 927 (1990); and 16 A.L.R. 5th 841 (1993).
- Council on Scientific Affairs; "Scientific Status of Refreshing Recollection by the Use of Hypnosis"; 253 J.A.M.A. 1918, 1918-1919 (1985).
- Diamond; "Inherent Problems in the Use of Pretrial Hypnosis on a Prospective Witnesses"; 68 Cal.L.Rev. 313 (1980).
- Richmond, Douglas R.; "Bad Science: Repressed and Recovered Memories of Childhood Sexual Abuse"; 44 U.Kan. L. Rev. 517-66 (May 1996).
- Colwick, Elizabeth; "Hypnotically Recalled Testimony: Issues Facing Courts in Their Determination of its Admissibility in Civil Sexual Abuse Cases"; 19 Law and Psychology Review 183-201 (Spring 1995).
- Eisenberg, Matthew J.; "Recovered Memories of Childhood Sexual Abuse: The Admissibility Question"; 68 Temple L.Rev. 249-80 (Spring 1995).
- Garcia-Duer, Jovita; "The Admissibility of Hypnotically Retrieved Evidence"; 5 San Fran. L.Rev. 155-69 (1995).
- Kroger, William S. [the hypnotist/expert witness in Awkard, supra], and Douce, Richard; "Hypnosis in Criminal Investigations"; 24 U. West L.A. L.Rev. 23-42 (1993).
- "The Court's Reaction to Rock v. Arkansas [107 S.Ct. 2704]: The Admissibility of a Witness's Testimony after He Has Been Hypnotized"; 15 American Journal of Trial Advocacy 559-84 (Spring '92).
- Shaw, Gary M.; "The Admissibility of Hypnotically Enhanced Testimony in Criminal Trials"; 75 Marquette L.Rev. 1-77 (Fall 1991).
- "Are Hypnotically Induced Pseudomemories Resistant to Cross-Examination?"; 13 Law and Human Behavior 271-89 (September 1989).
- "Growing Disenchantment with Hypnotic Means of Refreshing Witness Recall"; 41 Vanderbilt L.Rev. 379-410 (March 1988).
[cited in Criminal Resource Manual 287; JM 9-13.600]