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FOIA Update: FOIA Training Opportunities

FOIA Update
Vol. XIV, No. 3

FOIA Training Opportunities


Legal Education Institute: "Freedom of Information Act for Attorneys and Access Professionals," January 19-20, 601 D Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.; April 14-15, 600 E Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.; May 24-25, Denver, CO. Contact: Program Manager, (202) 501-7467. No charge.

Office of Information and Privacy: "Freedom of Information Act Administrative Forum," February 18, 601 D Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.; June 16, 600 E Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. Contact: Bertina Adams, (202) 514-1010. No charge.

Office of Information and Privacy: "Introduction to the Freedom of Information Act," March 16, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Washington, D.C. Contact: Bertina Adams, (202) 514-1010. No charge.

Legal Education Institute: "Privacy Act Seminar," May 26, Denver, CO. Contact: Program Manager, (202) 501-7467. No charge.

Office of Information and Privacy: "Advanced Seminar on the Freedom of Information Act," June 9, 600 E Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. Contact: Bertina Adams, (202) 514-1010. No charge.


Atlanta Regional Training Center: "Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts Workshop," April 4-5, Norfolk, VA. Contact: Registration Unit, (404) 331-3513. Cost: $220.

San Francisco Regional Training Center: "Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts Workshop," April 14-15, Seattle, WA; May 10-11, San Francisco, CA. Contact: Virginia Young, (206) 220-6374. Cost: $240.

Dallas Regional Training Center: "Freedom of Information/Privacy Act Workshop," May 24-25, Denver, CO. Contact: Yvonne Shuemaker, (214) 767-8245. Cost: $250.


"Implementing the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts," February 2-3, 600 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. Contact: Eric Friedfeld, (202) 447-7124. Cost: $285.

"The Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act," January 19- March 23, Wednesdays, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., 1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. Contact: Evening Program Division, (202) 720-5885. Cost: $147.

"Information Access Laws," April 21-22, 600 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. Contact: Eric Friedfeld, (202) 447-7124. Cost: $285.

"The Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act," a correspondence course scheduled to begin at any time. Contact: Correspondence Study Program Division, (202) 720-7123. Cost: $201.


American Society of Access Professionals: "Western Regional Training Conference," March 10-11, Doubletree Hotel, 910 Broadway Circle, San Diego, CA. Contact: Kathy S. Huggins, (301) 913-0030. Cost: $265 (members); $295 (nonmembers).

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Updated December 19, 2024
