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Blog Post

Girls' Delinquency

The following post appears courtesy of the Office of Justice Programs. In recent years, girls have become increasingly involved in the juvenile justice system. Delinquency caseloads over the past decade have increased more for girls than for boys, and the rate of detention for girls nationally has risen dramatically. By 2004, girls accounted for 30 percent of juvenile arrests. In an effort to understand these trends and to determine appropriate interventions, OJP’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention convened the Girls Study Group, a team of multidisciplinary practitioners and researchers. The Girls Study Group was created to provide a comprehensive research foundation for understanding, preventing, and responding to girls' involvement in delinquency. The Girls Study Group has compiled a searchable database of literature related to girls’ delinquency and developed a web site of resources. It is also publishing a series of bulletins on various topics. To find out more about the Girls Study Group and related efforts, please visit The Girls Study Group web site.
Updated April 7, 2017