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Blog Post

The RECA Internship Program Launches

Tony West, Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division, traveled to the Four Corners region (which is made up of New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona and Utah) to launch the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) Internship Program.  West held recruiting events at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona, University of New Mexico in Gallup, New Mexico, and Dine College in Shiprock, New Mexico.  During this visit - his second to the region - West met with victims’ families, students interested in applying for the RAAG West Launches the RECA Internship ProgramECA Internship, and community leaders.  Assistant Attorney General West said: "We want to ensure that all eligible applicants have access to the RECA program, which is why we're continually seeking to improve our outreach efforts.  In addition to helping us reach those Cold War Patriots who are suffering and are entitled to compensation, this internship program will provide much needed summer jobs to bright students looking for an opportunity to serve." As part of the six month internship program, interns will travel to Washington, D.C., for a two-week training session where they will learn about the RECA Program, federal law, government, and community outreach.  The interns will focus on Native Americans and their families in the Four Corners region who contributed to the defense of this country during the Cold War through their work in the uranium industry on tribal lands. To be eligible for participation in this program, students must be in good standing.  To apply, please complete the entire application and return no later than April 15, 2010, for the first session (June 7-18, 2010) and May 1, 2010, for the second session (July 26-August 6, 2010). Any questions about this internship opportunity, the application process, or the RECA Program, can be directed to RECA staff at (202) 616-4304, or e-mail About RECA: Congress passed RECA on October 5, 1990, and later broadened the scope of the coverage on July 10, 2000.  RECA offers compensation to individuals who contracted certain cancers and other serious diseases following their exposure to radiation released during above-ground atmospheric nuclear weapons tests or, following their occupational exposure to radiation while employed in the uranium industry during the build-up to the Cold War.
Updated April 7, 2017