Blog Post
Signing of Memorandum of Understanding between DOJ and DHS
The following post appears courtesy of INTERPOL Washington Director, Timothy A. Williams.
I am pleased to announce that the Acting Deputy Attorney General Gary G. Grindler, U.S. Department of Justice, and Deputy Secretary Jane Holl Lute, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that outlines the revised roles and responsibilities for the management of INTERPOL Washington.
The new MOU will ensure continued guidance and oversight of INTERPOL Washington, and affirms its commitment to the effective sharing and exchange of international investigative information in cooperation with INTERPOL’s other 187-member countries and the more than 18,000 federal, state, local and tribal law enforcement agencies in the United States.
This groundbreaking collaborative partnership, cemented by the MOU, will combine the strengths and expertise of DOJ, DHS, and the USNCB. The MOU also provides a framework for the Deputy Attorney General, the Deputy Secretary, and the USNCB Director to determine all policy and personnel decisions for the USNCB, and establishes senior management positions, which rotate between the two departments every three years.
Most importantly, the signing of this MOU will significantly benefit law enforcement agencies across the country by increasing INTERPOL Washington's support to federal, state, local and tribal law enforcement agencies. It will continue to improve and nurture national and international law enforcement co-operation and information sharing in order to meet the demands of policing in the 21st century, and will pave the way for INTERPOL Washington to provide the right resources and tools for agents and officers in the field to help them identify criminals and prevent crime.
For example, one of the tools that I plan to provide is the deployment of INTERPOL's I-24/7 network across the United States, thus enabling thousands of investigators to access INTERPOL's databases and police services containing information on wanted persons, terrorists, missing persons, stolen and lost travel documents and stolen vehicles.
The MOU will enable INTERPOL Washington to increase focus on the reduction of transnational organized crime by strengthening global partnerships; leveraging existing technology and pursuing new enterprise solutions; and boosting the international exchange of information in order to bolster efforts aimed at preventing global terrorism.
For more information about The U.S. National Central Bureau of INTERPOL, visit:
Updated April 7, 2017