Press Release
California Man Sentenced to Prison for Filing False Corporate Return
For Immediate Release
Office of Public Affairs
Underreported His Company’s Sales by More than $4.6 Million
A Dublin, California man was sentenced to prison today in U.S. District Court in the Northern District of California for filing a false tax return, announced Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General Stuart M. Goldberg of the Justice Department’s Tax Division and U.S. Attorney Brian Stretch for the Northern District of California.
Shiv D. Kumar, 60, was sentenced to serve 30 months in prison. According to documents filed with the court, Kumar was the sole shareholder and president of A-Paratransit Inc. (API), a company that provided transportation services to disabled individuals. Kumar filed false corporate returns with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for tax years 2009 and 2010, which underreported API’s gross receipts by $2,229,216 and $2,412,435, causing a tax loss of $1,584,055. Kumar deposited API’s receipts into three separate bank accounts held at different banks. To conceal API’s true income, Kumar provided his accountant with false books and records from which he had omitted gross receipts relating to two of API’s accounts. Kumar used the unreported funds for personal expenditures, including purchasing property in the Vallejo, California area.
In addition to the term of prison imposed, Kumar was also sentenced to serve one year of supervised release. Restitution will be decided at a later date. Kumar pleaded guilty in March to filing a false return.
Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General Goldberg and U.S. Attorney Stretch thanked special agents of IRS Criminal Investigation, who conducted the investigation, and Assistant U.S. Attorney José A. Olivera and Trial Attorney Rebecca J. Sable of the Tax Division, who prosecuted the case.
Additional information about the Tax Division and its enforcement efforts may be found on the division’s website.
Updated February 5, 2025