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Consumer Protection Branch

About the Branch

The Consumer Protection Branch leads Department of Justice efforts to enforce laws that protect Americans’ health, safety, economic security, and identity integrity.  To accomplish its mission, the Branch brings both criminal and affirmative civil enforcement cases throughout the country.  The Branch uses its strong relationships with U.S. Attorneys’ Offices and investigative agencies, expertise with complex litigation, and nationwide reach to respond nimbly to emerging consumer threats.

In addition to its enforcement mandate, the Consumer Protection Branch is authorized to defend the Food and Drug Administration, the Federal Trade Commission, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, and other federal agencies in civil litigation before both district and appellate courts.  This work is aided by the Branch’s knowledge and command of the laws at issue in such litigation.

The Consumer Protection Branch also plays a key role in devising and implementing Department policies and initiatives, opining on proposed legislation and regulations, and developing new investigative tools and litigation techniques.  It further coordinates interagency and multi-district matters, as well as global enforcement efforts.  The Branch helps law enforcement partners and the public by offering training and advice, and Branch personnel regularly participate in working groups and events.

Comprised of more than 215 attorneys, support professionals, and embedded law enforcement agents, the Consumer Protection Branch offers its personnel unique opportunities for professional development in a supportive environment.