Subject Matter Expertise
Specialized and Tactical Skills
ICITAP provides technical assistance and training in specialized and tactical skills that help police respond to non-routine situations, such as hostage negotiations, explosives handling, natural disasters and other critical incidents. These skills include:
- Management of critical incidents, emergencies, and civil disorder
Development of a national disaster plan
Security tactics to protect government personnel and physical assets
Election security
Explosive hazards awareness and post-blast response
Hostage negotiation and rescue
Throughout its work in helping host countries establish specialized police units, ICITAP emphasizes the "institutionalization"—or long-term sustainability—of these critical police functions.
Here are a few examples of ICITAP's work in helping police around the globe develop specialized and tactical skills:
Tactical Maneuvers for High-Risk Situations in Azerbaijan
In Azerbaijan, ICITAP trained specialized police in methods of entry to assist in the country's counter-narcoterrorism efforts. ICITAP has provided training in tactical shotgun, pistol, and rifle shooting; handling high-risk traffic stops and warrants; and responding to barricaded gunman scenarios to improve the ability of the Azerbaijani police to respond to high-risk counterterrorism situations.
Dignitary Protection and Hostage Rescue in Serbia
In Serbia, ICITAP has helped build up the capabilities of the police antiterrorism unit through equipment donations and training. ICITAP donated a command vehicle—a mobile unit that serves as a supply and weapons repository and a center for coordination and communication during protection details and tactical operations. ICITAP also brought members of the team to Quantico, Virginia, for hands-on training by the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team. The unit has since implemented key techniques to ensure that such public events as sports, music, and dignitary visits are secured against terrorist threats.
Disaster Response in Indonesia
In Indonesia, ICITAP helped develop an emergency management system—including an incident command system—to increase the ability of the police to respond to natural and other emergency disasters.
Civil Disorder Management in Yemen
In Yemen, ICITAP provided training in civil disorder management techniques to both command-level and line officers. Phase-one training covered such topics as command decision making, tactical concepts, operational planning, use-of-force issues, and how to develop a national riot deployment plan. During phase two, in which police learned how to implement the riot deployment plan that ICITAP helped the Yemeni police develop—anti-government riots broke out in the streets. The graduating students stepped off the stage, walked out the front gate of the training facility, and effectively controlled the disturbance using newly learned techniques that respected the citizens' human rights and human dignity.