City-Site Problem Identification and Resolution of Issues Together (City-SPIRIT)
The City-SPIRIT is a one-day, program which brings together diverse community stakeholders such as local government agencies, community groups, faith‐based organizations, civil rights organizations, and law enforcement to identify issues impacting their community and develop collaborative solutions to reduce conflict, improve communication, and minimize the potential for future conflict.
SPIRIT Program Benefits
- Brings diverse groups together and improves communication, relationships, and climate
- Empowers local communities to solve local issues
- Develops problem-solving and decision-making skills
- Builds trust, understanding, and partnerships
SPIRIT Program Outcomes
- Increases community capacity by training local volunteers to facilitate future small group discussions between key stakeholders
- Assists community stakeholders to develop a customized action plan that aims to improve trust and partnerships between community leaders and local institutions and serves as a roadmap to implement tangible solutions
- Creates a School Council; the Council works closely with city officials to implement solutions developed during the program, and advises city leadership on community relations issues
More Information
City-Site Problem Identification and Resolution of Issues Together (City-SPIRIT) (PDF)