City of Anoka, Minnesota
On November 7, 2023, the United States issued a letter of findings concluding that the City of Anoka, Minnesota, violated Title II of the ADA and the Fair Housing Act by denying tenants with mental health disabilities an equal opportunity to receive emergency assistance. The City, through enforcement of its so-called “crime free” housing ordinance and by sharing confidential medical information relating to calls for emergency service with all landlords, deterred individuals with mental health disabilities and those associated with them from calling for emergency help and threatened their current housing or future housing prospects.
On May 21, 2024, the United States filed a complaint and the parties entered a proposed consent decree to resolve its findings. Under the proposed consent decree, the City has agreed to pay $175,000 to compensate harmed individuals; end its practice of publicizing the disability, medical, and health information of individuals with mental health disabilities; adopt non-discrimination policies and complaint procedures; notify landlords, property owners, and tenants of changes to the program; designate an ADA coordinator; train staff; and report to the United States.