United States v. Crimson Management, LLC, Benefield Housing Partnership d/b/a Cedartown Commons. (N.D. Ga.)
On May 27, 2022, the court entered a consent order in United States v. Crimson Management, LLC, Benefield Housing Partnership d/b/a Cedartown Commons, and Cedartown Housing Association, d/b/a Cedarwood Village (N.D. Ga.). The complaint, filed on May 13, 2020, alleged that the defendants violated the Fair Housing Act by discriminating on the bases of race and color when they steered African-American housing applicants who were elderly and/or had a disability away from Cedarwood Village, a predominantly white housing complex for elderly persons and persons with disabilities, to less desirable units at Cedartown Commons, a predominantly African-American general occupancy complex. The complaint also alleged that defendants maintained and perpetuated racial segregation of the elderly and disabled population at Cedarwood Village and Cedartown Commons. The consent order requires the defendants to pay $83,000 in damages to three former tenants who were harmed as a result of the defendants’ racial steering, pay a civil penalty to the United States, implement nondiscriminatory policies and procedures, complete fair-housing training, and submit periodic reports to the Justice Department.
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