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United States v. Hideaway Village (E.D. Tenn.)


On September 15, 2021, the court entered a consent order in United States v. Hideaway Village Community Management Association et al. (E.D. Tenn.).  On July 9, 2021, the United States filed the Fair Housing Act complaint and proposed consent order.  The complaint alleges that the defendants discriminated on the basis of familial status by adopting and enforcing policies and practices that prohibited children from using the community pool without adult supervision.   The consent order requires the defendants to pay $10,000 in monetary damages to the HUD complainants, attend fair housing training, and submit to other standard injunctive relief.  This case was referred to the Division after the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) received a complaint, conducted an investigation, and issued a charge of discrimination.

Case Open Date
Case Name
United States v. Hideaway Village (E.D. Tenn.)
Civil Rights
  • 3:21-CV-00250; Department of Justice; DOJ; Fair Housing Act; FHA; Hideaway Village Community Management Association; Eastern District of Tennessee; rental; community pool; familial status; children
Industry Code(s)
  • None
Updated July 11, 2022