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Vincent Dahmon


Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) initiated an investigation into this matter based on a 1966 article titled “The cost is high,” under the byline of Lincoln Lynch, then Associate National Director of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). The article, which was apparently directed to CORE members, states that Vincent Dahmon, age 65, of Natchez, Mississippi, was shot by members of the KKK “during the time of the Meredith March” (the 1966 “March Against Fear” from Memphis, Tennessee to Jackson, Mississippi, initiated by James Meredith, during which Meredith was shot and wounded). The exact date that Vincent Dahmon died is unknown, however, James Meredith was shot on June 6, 1966 after beginning the march which lasted several weeks.

Incident Date
Case Name
Vincent Dahmon
Industry Code(s)
  • None
Case Document
Updated May 3, 2017