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Woodrow Wilson Daniels


On June 21, 1958, Woodrow Wilson Daniels, the African-American victim, was severely beaten with a “blackjack” or a large club by Yalobusha County Sheriff James Gray “Buster” Treloar, the subject, after the victim objected to the subject’s attempt to move him out of the “white section” of the Yalobusha County Jail. The victim was released from the jail at about 12:30 p.m. on June 22, 1958. He was first seen by a local doctor, then by a physician in Oxford, Mississippi, and finally taken to the John Gaston Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, where he died on July 1, 1958.

Incident Date
Case Name
Woodrow Wilson Daniels
Industry Code(s)
  • None
Updated May 4, 2017