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Section 5 Changes By Type And Year (80-89)

Section 5 Changes Received By The Attorney General (1980-84)
TYPE 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 TOTALS
Redistricting 85 387 452 386 274 1,584
Annexation 1,205 1,537 1,157 1,369 2,758 8,026
Polling Place 3,058 1,751 6,478 3,691 4,914 19,892
Precinct 982 1,215 3,522 2,495 1,818 10,032
Reregistration or
Voter Purge
5 12 17 20 11 65
Incorporation 58 100 52 98 96 404
Bilingual Procedures 201 154 96 118 179 748
Method of Election 196 184 218 364 451 1,413
Form of Government 41 66 112 198 174 591
Consolidation or
Division of Political Units
14 24 17 44 7 106
Special Election 369 405 388 438 604 2,204
Voting Methods 93 76 87 141 142 539
Candidate Qualifications 11 23 15 42 39 130
Voter Registration Procedures 738 385 819 2,135 3,854 7,931
Miscellaneous 284 813 857 877 1,168 3,999
Election Law *** *** *** *** *** 0
Not Within the Scope
of Section 5
*** *** *** *** *** 0
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 TOTAL
TOTALS 1980-84 7,340 7,132 14,287 12,416 16,489 57,664

Section 5 Changes Received By The Attorney General (1985-89)
TYPE 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 TOTALS
Redistricting 235 256 258 322 180 1,251
Annexation 3,195 4,806 3,198 4,431 2,512 18,142
Polling Place 3,809 5,597 3,153 4,721 2,896 20,176
Precinct 1,801 2,748 1,606 1,996 1,199 9,350
Reregistration or
Voter Purge
18 15 12 15 35 95
Incorporation 178 161 193 236 206 974
Bilingual Procedures 191 207 135 82 69 684
Method of Election 539 908 773 572 429 3,221
Form of Government 211 335 187 161 180 1,074
Consolidation or
Division of Political Units
10 21 21 12 29 93
Special Election 662 1,041 1,114 1,170 935 4,922
Voting Methods 156 185 145 250 250 986
Candidate Qualifications 80 80 74 45 69 348
Voter Registration Procedures 2,235 2,661 2,750 2,999 1,882 12,527
Miscellaneous 1,098 2,877 1,702 1,945 1,628 9,250
Election Law *** *** *** *** *** 0
Not Within the Scope
of Section 5
*** *** *** *** *** 0
1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 TOTAL
TOTALS 1985-89 14,418 21,898 15,321 18,957 12,499 83,093

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Updated July 14, 2022