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Completed Programs - Vietnam

Program Overview

Number of Claims 534
Number of Awards 192
Amount of Awards - Principal $99,471,983.51
Amount of Fund $203,504,248
Amount of Payment $100% of Principal plus 80.3%of Interest


On February 26, 1986, the Commission completed a program in which it determined the validity and amount of claims of United States nationals against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam arising from the nationalization or other taking of property.  The program had been authorized by Public Law 96-606 which added title VII to the International Claims Settlement Act of 1949.  The statute directed that the validity of claims be determined in accordance with applicable substantive law, including international law.  For a claim to be found compensable, it had to be established that an interest in property had been nationalized, expropriated, intervened, or otherwise taken at a time when it was owned by a United States national. 

The Commission made determinations in 534 claims granting awards to 192 claimants in the total principal amount of $99,471,983.51.  The program constituted a pre-adjudication of claims because a claims settlement agreement had not yet been reached.  In 1995, the United States concluded a claims agreement with the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, settling United States nationals' claims for a lump sum payment by Vietnam of $203,504,248.00, Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Concerning the Settlement of Certain Property Claims

Statutory Authority

Pub. L. No. 96-606; (22 U.S.C. 1645)

Pertinent International Agreements

Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Concerning the Settlement of Certain Property Claims 

Commission Decisions 

Lead Decisions

Final Report

Final Report of the Vietnam Claims Program

Updated February 8, 2018