1-23.000 – Office of the Executive Secretariat
1-23.100 | Introduction |
1-23.200 | Coordination Functions of the Office of the Executive Secretariat |
1-23.300 | Matters to Be Routed Through the Office of the Executive Secretariat |
Established in 1982, the Office of the Executive Secretariat serves as a liaison between the Department's leadership offices and its components by overseeing the review and approval of official documents and coordinating within the Department the flow of information critical to rigorous decision-making. To elevate its central role in helping to manage and organize official documents and information flow within the Department, on August 17, 2023, the Attorney General established the Executive Secretariat as its own component, the Office of the Executive Secretariat, reporting directly to the Deputy Attorney General. Through its official responsibilities, the Office of the Executive Secretariat ensures that decisions are made with proper consultation, correct information, and in a timely manner.
[added January 2025]
1-23.200 – Coordination Functions of the Office of the Executive Secretariat
The functions of the Office of the Executive Secretariat include, but are not limited to:
- Ensuring that official documents requiring the review, approval, and/or signature by the Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General, or Associate Attorney General, are assigned, tracked, and cleared within the Department of Justice, as appropriate.
- Managing select:
- Senior-level correspondence within the Department of Justice, i.e., written communications from Department stakeholders addressed to the Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General, and/or the Associate Attorney General, or, as appropriate, other leadership within the Department of Justice.
- Official interagency requests made of, or by, the Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General, and/or the Associate Attorney General.
- Departmental clearances, including submissions from other agencies for review within the Department of Justice.
[added January 2025]
1-23.300 – Matters to Be Routed Through the Office of the Executive Secretariat
Other than as excepted by the Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General, the Associate Attorney General, or their designee(s), Department components and offices should route the following through the Office of the Executive Secretariat:
- Official records and/or decision documents requiring the signature of the Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General, and/or Associate Attorney General.
- Correspondence addressed to the Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General, and/or Associate Attorney General.
- Interagency requests for official approval and/or concurrence by the Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General, and/or Associate Attorney General.
- Select Departmental clearances, including submissions from other agencies for review by the Department of Justice, as coordinated by the Office of the Executive Secretariat. This paragraph does not apply to Departmental rulemakings: (a) not for signature by the Attorney General; or (b) for signature by the Attorney General but prior to signature on the Action Memo by the component head.
- Other documents and/or records as designated by the Offices of the Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General, and/or Associate Attorney General.
Nothing in this Chapter is intended to supersede or replace JM 1-8.000 in any manner.
[added January 2025]