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Blog Post

Attorney General Meets with Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior

Attorney General Holder receives the highest Bulgarian law enforcement award from Deputy Prime Minister Tsvetanov of Bulgaria

Attorney General Holder receives the highest Bulgarian law enforcement award from Deputy Prime Minister Tsvetanov of Bulgaria

Today, Attorney General Eric Holder met with Tsvetan Tsvetanov, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior of the Republic of Bulgaria. They discussed law enforcement cooperation between the two countries in areas including organized crime, asset forfeiture and cybercrime. During the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Tsvetanov presented Attorney General Holder with the highest Bulgarian law enforcement award – the First Degree Valour and Merit Insignia of Honour. The award recognized the Attorney General for “his exceptional merit to the development and enhancement of the co-operation between the Republic of Bulgaria and the United States of America in the area of security and home affairs.”
Updated April 7, 2017