Investigative Training Program

Attorney General Eric Holder addresses attendees at the ICITAP Management Conference. Attorney General Eric Holder delivers his remarks at the 2009 annual management conference of the International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP). ICITAP, with funding support from the State Department and other agencies, places long-term, in-country senior law enforcement advisors to provide tailored rule of law development assistance to civilian police, correctional systems, and border security forces abroad.
Photo by Lonnie Tague for The Department of Justice

ICITAP Management Conference welcome sign. A welcome sign greets attendees of the 2009 annual management conference of the International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP). ICITAP works with foreign governments to develop professional and transparent law enforcement institutions that protect human rights, combat corruption, and reduce the threat of transnational crime and terrorism.
Photo by Lonnie Tague for The Department of Justice

ICITAP Director Trevillian listens from the wings. Director Carr Trevillian, sitting in the wings of the Department of Justice's conference center, listens to Attorney General Eric Holder as he delivers his remarks at the 2009 annual management conference of the International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP).
Photo by Lonnie Tague for The Department of Justice

The Attorney General, speaking at the ICITAP management conference. Attorney General Eric Holder speaks at the at the 2009 annual management conference of the International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP). He said, ICITAP has helped foster capable and strong international partnerships in the fight against transnational crime, corruption, and terrorism. In so doing, you have helped stem the tide of criminality before it reaches the United States."
Photo by Lonnie Tague for The Department of Justice

ICITAP-Pakistan Program Manager Clark listens to the Attorney GeneralÃs remarks. O. Karl Clark, ICITAPÃs program manager in Pakistan, listens as Attorney General Holder delivers his remarks at the annual management conference. Sitting next to him is Charles Bennett, assistant manager for ICITAP-Pakistan, and in front are James Slade, manager of ICITAPÃs corrections development program in Iraq, and Terry Bartlett, assistant director for all of ICITAP law enforcement development programs in Iraq.
Photo by Lonnie Tague for The Department of Justice

ICITAP managers from headquarters and South America listen to the Attorney General's remarks. Nicole Whitaker, conference organizer and deputy assistant director at ICITAP, along with ICITAP-Peru Program Manager Gabriel Grimes, ICITAP-Colombia Program Manager Gary Sheridan, listen to Attorney General Holder's remarks at the annual management conference.
Photo by Lonnie Tague for The Department of Justice

View of the ICITAP management conference roundtable. ICITAP manages programs in nearly 20 field offices worldwide and Washington headquarters gather for roundtable discussions in the Department of Justice conference center. ICITAP managers programs in nearly 40 countries around the globe.
Photo by Lonnie Tague for The Department of Justice

Networking at the ICITAP management conference. ICITAP-Albania Program Manager Gary Bullard and ICITAP-Kosovo Program Manager Darrel Hart network at the ICITAP management conference with Greg Ducot (seated), the deputy assistant director for ICITAP's programs in Europe and Eurasia.
Photo by Lonnie Tague for The Department of Justice
Attorney General Eric Holder delivered opening remarks at the International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program Annual Management Conference