Standing Rock Reservation

The United Tribes Technical College Honor Guard opens the 2nd Annual U.S. Attorney's Tribal Consultation Conference with a presentation of the colors while the Wise Spirit Singers, the United Tribes Technical College Campus Drum group performs.
Photo Credit: Wyn Hornbuckle for the Department of Justice

Deputy Attorney General Cole delivers remarks to the Tribal Consultation Conference in Bismarck, N.D. Over 150 people, from tribal leaders, law enforcement and victim services personnel, among others, attended the one-day event at the United Tribes Techni "Our role as the sole prosecutor for serious violent crime makes our responsibility to citizens in Indian country unique, and we take it seriously," said Deputy Attorney General Cole.
Photo Credit: Wyn Hornbuckle for the Department of Justice

Bureau of Indian Affairs Special Agent in Charge Mario Red Legs speaks to the 2nd Annual U.S. Attorney's Tribal Consultation Conference. Seated at table are Jennifer Keenan, FBI-Minneapolis Division Assistant Special Agent in Charge and U.S. Attorney Tim
Photo Credit: Wyn Hornbuckle for the Department of Justice
Deputy Attorney General James Cole visited the Standing Rock Reservation in North Dakota on April 25, 2012. On April 25, Deputy Attorney General Cole met with students at Standing Rock High School. On April 26, he delivered the keynote address at the 2nd Annual Tribal Consultation Conference hosted by Tim Purdon, the U.S. Attorney for the District of North Dakota.