OPA Major Information Systems
TITLE: Press Release Files
Major Organization Subdivision: Office of Public Affairs
Minor Organization Subdivision:
Name of Unit:
Street Address: 950 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
City: Washington, D.C.
Zip Code: 20530
Country: United States
Hours of Service: 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Telephone: (202) 514-2007
FAX: (202) 514-5331
E-Mail Address:
ABSTRACT: The Office of Public Affairs maintains hard copies of its press releases in the office dating back to 1989. Since July of 1994, in addition to maintaining hard-copy files on press releases, they have also been posted on the Internet and can be accessed through the Department's Web Site. Press releases from previous years are housed either at the Department's Records Center or the National Archives.
PURPOSE: The purpose of issuing press releases is to inform both the news media and the public about the litigation activities and law enforcement efforts of the Department of Justice.
ACCESS CONSTRAINTS: Press releases issued by the Office of Public Affairs are public documents and there are no access constraints. However, hard copies of press releases are filed in chronological order and are not maintained by topic. It is necessary to know the date that a press release was issued in order to access it. Press releases maintained on the Internet can be searched by topic. The office does not have adequate personnel to do searches for individual press releases without the date it was issued. Press releases issued before 1989 are not physically maintained in the office and it would be necessary to retrieve those releases from the Department's Records Center or the National Archives.
USE CONSTRAINTS: There are no constraints on the use of press releases.
AGENCY PROGRAM: The Office of Public Affairs is the principal point of contact for the Department of Justice with the public and the news media. The office is responsible for ensuring that the public is informed about the Department's activities and about the priorities and policies of the Attorney General and the President with regard to law enforcement and legal affairs.
SOURCES OF DATA: Data contained in the press releases is the result of litigation or law enforcement initiatives or activities involving the Department of Justice.
Major Organization Subdivision:
Minor Organization Subdivision:
Name of Unit:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Hours of Service:
E-mail Address:
ORDER PROCESS: A request for hard-copies of press releases should be made in writing to: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Public Affairs, 950 Pennsylvania N.W, Washington, D.C. 20530. Include the date and topic of the release noted as well as your full name and complete address. Press releases issued after July 1994, are available on the Internet.
OFFICE OF CONTACT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION (if different from originator):
Major Organization Subdivision:
Minor Organization Subdivision:
Name of Unit:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Hours of Service:
E-mail Address: