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Press Release
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SEATTLE – Attorney General Eric Holder joined U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Washington Jenny A. Durkan, the Wales family and the FBI in Seattle today to announce a new media and social media effort to seek information related to the 2001 slaying of Assistant U.S. Attorney Thomas C. Wales. Wales worked as a federal prosecutor in the Western District of Washington for 18 years before he was shot and killed 10 years ago in his home the evening of Oct. 11, 2001.
“Tom was a dedicated public servant, a committed advocate, and a loving father and friend,” Attorney General Holder said. “Although this case remains unsolved, and Tom’s killer remains unknown, our resolve to uncover the truth – and to help Tom’s family, friends, colleagues and neighbors find the answers and the closure that they deserve – has never been stronger.”
“The message to the public is: what you know may matter. Please call. What may seem to you to be a small, insignificant observation could be a critical clue for law enforcement,” said U.S. Attorney Durkan. “It was one month after the 9-11 attacks. Think back, remember what you saw, heard or knew, and use the FBI tip line. You could make the difference.”
In conjunction with the anniversary, the FBI is launching a major media and social media effort to encourage people with information to come forward. Investigators believe there are people who have not yet contacted the FBI, either because they are fearful or they do not believe their information is significant.
This effort includes advertisements in The Seattle Times and The Stranger, on Seattle-area billboards, and in commercials on local radio and television which start today and run through the anniversary of Wales’ death on October 11th. The FBI has also launched a new web page, , which is solely committed to posting and receiving information from the public about the Wales case. Additionally, t he FBI will use its existing Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages to reach the public across the country to seek any new information.
In addition to these efforts, anyone with even the smallest bit of information is encouraged to contact the FBI and can do so confidentially by phone at 1-800 CALL FBI or by email at . People can also send anonymous tips to the FBI at PO Box 2755, Seattle, Washington, 98111.
“The murder of Tom Wales was more than a single act of violence against an individual,” said Greg Fowler, FBI Inspector-in-Charge of the case. “It was a crime that impacted many, but no one more than his family. Tom Wales left behind a legacy and a life that cannot be replaced. We remain confident that, with the public’s help, we will find those responsible and bring them to justice. “
The FBI and the Seattle Police Department have led the joint investigation since the beginning. They are joined by staff from the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office.
“It is regretful that the suspect in Tom Wales’ murder has not been brought to justice,” said Seattle Police Chief John Diaz. “ We will continue to work with our federal partners and do everything within our investigatory power to solve this heinous crime.”
“Attorney General Holder’s presence is a powerful reminder of the Justice Department’s dedication to pursuing justice in the murder of Tom Wales,” said Dan Satterberg, King County Prosecuting Attorney. “Local prosecutors will continue our partnership with federal investigators on this case. We are determined to solve this terrible crime.”
The compete library of information, including copies of the print and broadcast media pieces, the FBI “Seeking Information” poster, details about the tiplines and more can be found at . Additional information regarding the FBI’s efforts is available at ,!/FBIPRESSOFFICE and .