Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council
The ATACs are composed of federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement, first responders, public health and safety officials, and, where appropriate, private industry partners, all of whom are dedicated to the goal of working together to detect, deter and prevent terrorism and promote national security.
DOJ Grant Opportunities
The Department of Justice offers funding opportunities to support law enforcement and public safety activities, assist victims of crime, provide training and technical assistance, conduct research, and implement programs that improve the criminal, civil, and juvenile justice systems.
Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee
The Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee sponsors and co-sponsors training seminars for federal, state and local law enforcement agencies addressing a variety of subjects.
Project Safe Neighborhood
Project Safe Neighborhoods is a nationwide initiative that brings together federal, state, local and tribal law enforcement officials, prosecutors, and community leaders to identify the most pressing violent crime problems in a community and develop comprehensive solutions to address them.
Victim-Witness Assistance Program
The goal of the victim witness assistance program in the United States Attorney's Office is to ensure that victims of federal crime are treated with fairness and respect, and receive the services to which they are entitled. A variety of notification and assistance services are available.
Weed and Seed
Weed and Seed, a community-based strategy sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), is an innovative, comprehensive multiagency approach to law enforcement, crime prevention, and community revitalization.